While Snowden's and Manning's Disclosures Only Helped Public, Clinton Given Pass for Disclosures that Endangered American Lives

July 5, 2016. FBI agent James Comey confirmed that Hillary Clinton's email disclosures included classified and top secret information. Some experts who have reviewed her emails say they revealed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens's locations, possibly and may have been partially responsible for his death and the deaths of other Americans.
Hillary's private email disclosures indicated no public redeeming purpose to the establishment of her private email server, a server she was warned was insecure. She went so far as to change the designation on he emails to falsely make them look unclassified. Why did she do this if she wasn't worried about ramifications from sending out classified emails?
So why, when a number of judges and Constitutional experts reviewing her emails say she has committed multiple felonies, has the FBI failed to call for her prosecution? Comey also confirmed that her actions were extremely careless, the usual legal definition of gross negligence, which would ordinarily be the standard for conviction in similar cases. So why is HIllary held to a different standard that all others in her position? Why is she above the law and non-prosecutable? The FBI is part of the Justice Department and answerable to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who is answerable to President Barack Obama.
On June 27, Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton, husband of Hillary Clinton, in a special meeting at which many believe a corrupt bargain was made. Since then, rumors have flown that Hillary Clinton intends to keep Loretta Lynch as her Attorney General. Before the alleged "corrupt bargain," Barack Obama, endorsed Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. But did the underlying agreement take really place in 2008, when it was reportedly agreed that Hillary would stand down and nominate Barack Obama for President and he would in turn support her in 2016? To save face, when endorsing someone under investigation for numerous felonies, Obama could only get a pass if someone under him made the investigation disappear.
Disappear is an interesting comment. A key witness against Hillary Clinton, a public official, recently died, surprisingly and unexpectedly. The throat of former U.N. General Assembly President John Ashe was crushed on June 22, 2016, while he was doing a workout, a week before he was scheduled to testify against Hillary Clinton. Did he have help with his workout?
Perhaps the best known witness against HIllary Clinton is Marcel Lazăr Lehe (Guccifer) who had no problem hacking Hillary's emails and who reportedly provided them to Russian President Vladimir Putin. This was worse than a breach of security. This was putting classified U.S. intelligence into the hands of the leader of the country, Clinton (while debating) claimed was the biggest enemy of the United States. In the last week, there have been some oddities regarding Guccifer, reports than he is missing and reports that he is dead. However he has been under the care and watch of the Justice Department, overseen by Loretta Lynch, overseen by Barack Obama. Was Guccifer disappeared under Obama's NDAA? Is this another witness put permanently out of Hillary's way or did someone simply put out the rumors to scare Guccifer with what could be done to him if he told the truth about Clinton?
This was all followed by more possible witness tampering as, following her interview with the FBI, Hillary Clinton met with Cheryl Mills, another witness who was expected to testify against Clinton.
Now for the emails. Over one thousand of Clinton's emails have been released by Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Here is the link. Read through them yourself and determine whether you believe Hillary's Clinton's placing these where they could be read by the President of Russia involved the kind of judgment you would expect of an American President or whether you think they are evidence of serious lawbreaking on her part?
Chelsea (Bradley) Manning is in prison for blowing the whistle on a murder that was conducted in Iraq. His actions did not endanger any lives. Rather they probably saved lives by discouraging more cold blooded killings. He did not get a civilian jury trial but was condemned in a military tribunal, without Constitutional protections, after being tortured.
Edward Snowden disclosed government misconduct against the American people. His actions protected the public and did not endanger any Americans at any time. Yet he is forced to live in Russia because the Obama Administration wants to prosecute Snowden for disclosures that were aimed at protecting the American people.
If Clinton is not prosecuted over her emails, does this mean the U.S. Government will pardon both Manning and Snowden? if not, the only logical conclusion is that the pass Clinton was given was politically motivated and that the prosecutions or planned prosecutions of Manning and Snowden were politically motivated.
The three following YouTube video contain very thorough analyses of the FBI's announcement regarding Hilary Clinton. The first is from Debbie Lusignan ("The Sane Progressive" and the second is by H.A. Goodman, both of whom have done extensive research into Hillary's emails. The third video is from Jeanine Pirro, who after years as a district attorney and judge, knows something about the law.
Hillary's private email disclosures indicated no public redeeming purpose to the establishment of her private email server, a server she was warned was insecure. She went so far as to change the designation on he emails to falsely make them look unclassified. Why did she do this if she wasn't worried about ramifications from sending out classified emails?
So why, when a number of judges and Constitutional experts reviewing her emails say she has committed multiple felonies, has the FBI failed to call for her prosecution? Comey also confirmed that her actions were extremely careless, the usual legal definition of gross negligence, which would ordinarily be the standard for conviction in similar cases. So why is HIllary held to a different standard that all others in her position? Why is she above the law and non-prosecutable? The FBI is part of the Justice Department and answerable to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who is answerable to President Barack Obama.
On June 27, Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton, husband of Hillary Clinton, in a special meeting at which many believe a corrupt bargain was made. Since then, rumors have flown that Hillary Clinton intends to keep Loretta Lynch as her Attorney General. Before the alleged "corrupt bargain," Barack Obama, endorsed Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. But did the underlying agreement take really place in 2008, when it was reportedly agreed that Hillary would stand down and nominate Barack Obama for President and he would in turn support her in 2016? To save face, when endorsing someone under investigation for numerous felonies, Obama could only get a pass if someone under him made the investigation disappear.
Disappear is an interesting comment. A key witness against Hillary Clinton, a public official, recently died, surprisingly and unexpectedly. The throat of former U.N. General Assembly President John Ashe was crushed on June 22, 2016, while he was doing a workout, a week before he was scheduled to testify against Hillary Clinton. Did he have help with his workout?
Perhaps the best known witness against HIllary Clinton is Marcel Lazăr Lehe (Guccifer) who had no problem hacking Hillary's emails and who reportedly provided them to Russian President Vladimir Putin. This was worse than a breach of security. This was putting classified U.S. intelligence into the hands of the leader of the country, Clinton (while debating) claimed was the biggest enemy of the United States. In the last week, there have been some oddities regarding Guccifer, reports than he is missing and reports that he is dead. However he has been under the care and watch of the Justice Department, overseen by Loretta Lynch, overseen by Barack Obama. Was Guccifer disappeared under Obama's NDAA? Is this another witness put permanently out of Hillary's way or did someone simply put out the rumors to scare Guccifer with what could be done to him if he told the truth about Clinton?
This was all followed by more possible witness tampering as, following her interview with the FBI, Hillary Clinton met with Cheryl Mills, another witness who was expected to testify against Clinton.
Now for the emails. Over one thousand of Clinton's emails have been released by Julian Assange and Wikileaks. Here is the link. Read through them yourself and determine whether you believe Hillary's Clinton's placing these where they could be read by the President of Russia involved the kind of judgment you would expect of an American President or whether you think they are evidence of serious lawbreaking on her part?
Chelsea (Bradley) Manning is in prison for blowing the whistle on a murder that was conducted in Iraq. His actions did not endanger any lives. Rather they probably saved lives by discouraging more cold blooded killings. He did not get a civilian jury trial but was condemned in a military tribunal, without Constitutional protections, after being tortured.
Edward Snowden disclosed government misconduct against the American people. His actions protected the public and did not endanger any Americans at any time. Yet he is forced to live in Russia because the Obama Administration wants to prosecute Snowden for disclosures that were aimed at protecting the American people.
If Clinton is not prosecuted over her emails, does this mean the U.S. Government will pardon both Manning and Snowden? if not, the only logical conclusion is that the pass Clinton was given was politically motivated and that the prosecutions or planned prosecutions of Manning and Snowden were politically motivated.
The three following YouTube video contain very thorough analyses of the FBI's announcement regarding Hilary Clinton. The first is from Debbie Lusignan ("The Sane Progressive" and the second is by H.A. Goodman, both of whom have done extensive research into Hillary's emails. The third video is from Jeanine Pirro, who after years as a district attorney and judge, knows something about the law.