December 2, 2016. Hollywood, CA. At the Laugh Factory, Southern California fans cheered and laughed almost continuously as the stars and producer of political comedy hit Redacted Tonight, RT, provided a take no prisoners view of the U.S. Government and its leaders.
Rumors abounded that fake newsmen in the U.S. corporate broadcast media are trying to close down RT because RT is considered too honest. However, some fans, waiting for the show to start, noted that it would be very difficult to do that, given the popularity of Redacted Tonight and its host Lee Camp.
Redacted Tonight has exposed election fraud, apparent criminal activity by our leaders, Wall Street shenanigans, corporate crimes, the destruction of the planet for corporate greed, income inequality, and many other issues that matter to the 99%, many of whom feel they have a voice in Lee Camp. Activists have found that the most accurate news is being told by comedians, like Lee Camp and Jimmy Dore.
On and off stage, Lee comes across as a strong intellectual who not only is on top of the news but has the courage to inform Americans of what is happening in their country and to do it in a way that allows even those impacted by corporate and political misconduct to laugh while hoping the truth will change the future.
In the show, Lee hit most of the major issues affecting Americans. Kucinich fans in the audience took note of Lee's reference to the lack of a Department of Peace.
Rumors abounded that fake newsmen in the U.S. corporate broadcast media are trying to close down RT because RT is considered too honest. However, some fans, waiting for the show to start, noted that it would be very difficult to do that, given the popularity of Redacted Tonight and its host Lee Camp.
Redacted Tonight has exposed election fraud, apparent criminal activity by our leaders, Wall Street shenanigans, corporate crimes, the destruction of the planet for corporate greed, income inequality, and many other issues that matter to the 99%, many of whom feel they have a voice in Lee Camp. Activists have found that the most accurate news is being told by comedians, like Lee Camp and Jimmy Dore.
On and off stage, Lee comes across as a strong intellectual who not only is on top of the news but has the courage to inform Americans of what is happening in their country and to do it in a way that allows even those impacted by corporate and political misconduct to laugh while hoping the truth will change the future.
In the show, Lee hit most of the major issues affecting Americans. Kucinich fans in the audience took note of Lee's reference to the lack of a Department of Peace.

Likewise, Redacted Tonight regulars John O'Donnell and Naomi Karavani regularly tackle the tough issues in a way that informs and entertains. Naomi Karavani had the most memorable line of the evening as she finished her performance with a remark about Hillary Clinton out-sourcing blow jobs. Producer Phillip Chang is an excellent comedian in his own right. They all seemed at ease both on the stage and later speaking with people in the audience.

As soon as the 8 P.M. show opened to reservations, it sold out and another show at 10 P.M. had to be added. The second show also quickly sold out. An added reward for viewers of the second show was the opportunity to stand around and speak with Lee Camp, John O'Donnell Naomi Karavani, and Phillip Chang and tohave their pictures taken with the stars. Naomi Karavani, a dog lover, posed for a picture (left) with a papillon who is running a mock campaign for the 2020 Democratic nomination for President. In addition to Lee being very knowledgeable about current events and politics, Naomi, John and Phillip were exceptionally well-informed and spoke with fans at length about various current happenings. Supporting the water protectors at Standing Rock was on everyone's mind. In addition to pictures with the hosts, fans also left with Redacted Tonight T-shirts as a remembrance of their fun evening.

It wasn't just the stars of the show who were famous. America's top investigative reporter Greg Palast (pictured to the right with John O'Donnell) was in the 10 P.M. audience. Greg has a new documentary,The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, about election fraud. The expose is a national hit.
Redacted Tonight episodes can be seen on Youtube at .
Redacted Tonight episodes can be seen on Youtube at .