The Judicial Kidnapping of Melissa Diegel's Children
by Malinda Sherwyn

REGARDING THE COURT WATCH ON MONDAY, MAY 18TH Judge McNally seeks to intimidate and threaten all, including court watchers, entering her courtroom with incarceration if they dare to share with their friends, family, associates or the press the goings on in her courtroom. Most importantly Judge McNally has criminalized a safe, fit, loving, non offending parent. Melissa Diegel has tried repeatedly to bring grave warnings and concerns for the safety of her children before the Court who are being held and abused in the hands of the state, as this Court refuses to return these children to their mother. The high numbers of medical kidnappings, unwarranted detentions and fast track adoptions of children as social workers and hospital staff use (1) Perjury, (2) Fabrication of evidence. (3) Failure to disclose known exculpatory evidence and by (4) Obtaining testimony by duress... does not seem to concern Judge McNally.
As a court watcher…I saw a courtroom full of, Assistant Attorney Generals, 5 US Marshals, Two lawyers for the Department of Child Safety, guardian ad litems, and case managers. The police presence was outrageous, over kill with three armed bailiffs blocking the public from entering the Court and only one of us was allowed to enter as it was decided that I would be the only one permitted by the Court to accompany Melissa Deigel as her advocate, as nearly thirty concerned citizens were shut out, even press and advocates from out of state who drove all night to be there were banned from the courtroom. So much for We the People. I would love to see the billings for this hearing to the state and the feds for one day of this nonsense and abuse of power in McNally's Courtroom and for the police presence inside and outside of it.
What was the Court's concern on Monday the 18th? Was it the safety of Melissa’s children who have suffered terribly in the hands of the state? Was Judge McNally concerned that Melissa has not yet had a fair hearing although her children have been held for over a year and Melissa's children are banned from contact with their mother?….or that Melissa’s motions have been ignored?, or that Melissa Diegel in over a year’s time has not been provided a fair trial to confront her accusers? NO. Would it be that that Judge McNally is concerned with the fact that no one has responded to discovery requests from Melissa, so that she could obtain a fair hearings or perhaps a fair trial in the future? All NOs.
This Court assembled a police force and an army of useless bureaucrats, all collecting paychecks from state and federal tax payers on Monday, May 18th with the goal to prosecute and incarcerate a safe, fit, loving mother for her association with other victims of the Department of so called "Child Safety." These departments are out of control and have subverted our Superior Courts. The judge says it is for the protection of the children. Me thinks the concern of the Court is that Melissa Deigel has pierced the bubble of secrecy and corruption that surrounds it. This Judge is demanding that Melissa Deigel turn over each and name, address, telephone number and email address of every citizen she has had contact with regarding the case of her medically kidnapped children this Court holds,…. without due process. If she doesn’t comply with this outrageous order Melissa will be incarcerated. That is the concern of this Court and the threat over Melissa's head.
Last week Melissa had over 8 thousand followers on Facebook, this week she has over 9 thousand followers… This Judge is demanding the contact information of over 9 thousand people…plus ? Seriously Judge McNally? And this is what Judge McNally decided was a good use of the people’s time and tax payer dollars? How much was and continues to be squandered on this case and others like it? If this judge can do this to Melissa Diegel's children then NO child is safe in Maricopa County, Arizona.
As Melissa’s advocate, Judge McNally would not allow me to sit beside her at a long and empty table that spanned the length of the bench. I had to sit in the audience…apart from Melissa. There was NO room for me, that says a lot as the forces were armed and ready en masse against Melissa. Secondly, a Lawyer for the state was busy on her computer researching Facebook during the hearing and reporting in real time to Judge McNally, like an NSA operative. The Judge would not proceed unless I consented to her demand to be quiet. I told the judge I am court watcher... that is what I do, report. I refused. Melissa requested another advocate... The judge refused her. Melissa was in fear for her life.. I left the courtroom and for her own safety she followed. The time, the energy, the money and the focus was on silencing the legitimate grievances of American citizens and denying them their 1st, 4th and 14th Amendment rights. Sunshine IS the best disinfectant."
As a court watcher…I saw a courtroom full of, Assistant Attorney Generals, 5 US Marshals, Two lawyers for the Department of Child Safety, guardian ad litems, and case managers. The police presence was outrageous, over kill with three armed bailiffs blocking the public from entering the Court and only one of us was allowed to enter as it was decided that I would be the only one permitted by the Court to accompany Melissa Deigel as her advocate, as nearly thirty concerned citizens were shut out, even press and advocates from out of state who drove all night to be there were banned from the courtroom. So much for We the People. I would love to see the billings for this hearing to the state and the feds for one day of this nonsense and abuse of power in McNally's Courtroom and for the police presence inside and outside of it.
What was the Court's concern on Monday the 18th? Was it the safety of Melissa’s children who have suffered terribly in the hands of the state? Was Judge McNally concerned that Melissa has not yet had a fair hearing although her children have been held for over a year and Melissa's children are banned from contact with their mother?….or that Melissa’s motions have been ignored?, or that Melissa Diegel in over a year’s time has not been provided a fair trial to confront her accusers? NO. Would it be that that Judge McNally is concerned with the fact that no one has responded to discovery requests from Melissa, so that she could obtain a fair hearings or perhaps a fair trial in the future? All NOs.
This Court assembled a police force and an army of useless bureaucrats, all collecting paychecks from state and federal tax payers on Monday, May 18th with the goal to prosecute and incarcerate a safe, fit, loving mother for her association with other victims of the Department of so called "Child Safety." These departments are out of control and have subverted our Superior Courts. The judge says it is for the protection of the children. Me thinks the concern of the Court is that Melissa Deigel has pierced the bubble of secrecy and corruption that surrounds it. This Judge is demanding that Melissa Deigel turn over each and name, address, telephone number and email address of every citizen she has had contact with regarding the case of her medically kidnapped children this Court holds,…. without due process. If she doesn’t comply with this outrageous order Melissa will be incarcerated. That is the concern of this Court and the threat over Melissa's head.
Last week Melissa had over 8 thousand followers on Facebook, this week she has over 9 thousand followers… This Judge is demanding the contact information of over 9 thousand people…plus ? Seriously Judge McNally? And this is what Judge McNally decided was a good use of the people’s time and tax payer dollars? How much was and continues to be squandered on this case and others like it? If this judge can do this to Melissa Diegel's children then NO child is safe in Maricopa County, Arizona.
As Melissa’s advocate, Judge McNally would not allow me to sit beside her at a long and empty table that spanned the length of the bench. I had to sit in the audience…apart from Melissa. There was NO room for me, that says a lot as the forces were armed and ready en masse against Melissa. Secondly, a Lawyer for the state was busy on her computer researching Facebook during the hearing and reporting in real time to Judge McNally, like an NSA operative. The Judge would not proceed unless I consented to her demand to be quiet. I told the judge I am court watcher... that is what I do, report. I refused. Melissa requested another advocate... The judge refused her. Melissa was in fear for her life.. I left the courtroom and for her own safety she followed. The time, the energy, the money and the focus was on silencing the legitimate grievances of American citizens and denying them their 1st, 4th and 14th Amendment rights. Sunshine IS the best disinfectant."