Bernie Sanders Rocks the Coliseum with an Army of Thousands of Volunteers

June 4, 2016. Los Angeles, California. Bernie Sanders doesn’t need the well-paid vote suppressers and child pornographers of the Hillary Clinton campaign. He’s running an honest campaign and crowds show up volunteering, not for profit, but to create a better world. Bernie has millions of peaceful, law-abiding foot soldiers eager to jump in at every opportunity to assist the most popular Presidential candidate in American history to become the Chief Executive of the United States of America. Except for the documented vote suppression and election irregularities, and election crimes favoring his opponent, exit polls show Bernie Sanders would have wrapped up the Democratic nomination months ago.

At the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, thousands of excited supporters filled the area inside the gates as well as stood shoulder to shoulder outside the gates. They were not disappointed but were extremely joyous as popular actress and civil rights activist Susan Sarandon introduced Dick Van Dyke, who introduced Bernie Sanders, who introduced his family (his wife Jane, his sons Levi and David, his daughter Carina, his granddaughter Ella and his grandson Dillon) to the crowd before speaking to issues that resonated strongly, receiving frequent enthusiastic applauses. Van Dyke, who last spoke at the Coliseum with Martin Luther King, Jr., told the crowd that, if Bernie didn’t win, the country would become an absolute oligarchy. Shailene Woolsey, Max Carver, Josh Fox, Iration, Best Coast, Ozomatli, Local Natives, and Mark Foster were also on stage, enthusiastically encouraging the crowd to help Bernie win the California primary.

The crowd, that waited hours to get through the line into the event was educated on the issues, aware of current events, familiar with the background of all candidates and eager to work hard to elect Bernie Sanders, the one Presidential candidate who was on the side of the people and issues that mattered to them.
In addition to senior citizens, Millennials and even kids as young less than two years old were clapping and cheering for Bernie. Several very young children said they wanted to help Bernie. This is no surprise as Bernie’s political opponent has profited from the poisoning of their drinking water through fracking and the poisoning of their food (including baby food) with round-up and by promoting genetic modification of it. (Yes, Clinton has pushed all of that). Clinton is also profiting from the private school industry which could net her even bigger profits as college tuitions rise under her planned Wall Street regime. The youth, however, are rebelling and bringing their parents along for the ride. Perhaps it is because they want an education and don’t want to wind up dying in the military that is fighting Hillary Clinton’s planned Middle Eastern wars or because they don’t want to wind up inside the private prisons that are funding Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Or maybe it’s because the young and old Sanders supporters want a planet that will last past a Hillary Clinton regime. Whatever the reason, enthusiastic supporters of Bernie Sanders couldn’t get enough of him. After the end of his speech, the crowd kept clamoring for more "Bernie."
In addition to senior citizens, Millennials and even kids as young less than two years old were clapping and cheering for Bernie. Several very young children said they wanted to help Bernie. This is no surprise as Bernie’s political opponent has profited from the poisoning of their drinking water through fracking and the poisoning of their food (including baby food) with round-up and by promoting genetic modification of it. (Yes, Clinton has pushed all of that). Clinton is also profiting from the private school industry which could net her even bigger profits as college tuitions rise under her planned Wall Street regime. The youth, however, are rebelling and bringing their parents along for the ride. Perhaps it is because they want an education and don’t want to wind up dying in the military that is fighting Hillary Clinton’s planned Middle Eastern wars or because they don’t want to wind up inside the private prisons that are funding Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Or maybe it’s because the young and old Sanders supporters want a planet that will last past a Hillary Clinton regime. Whatever the reason, enthusiastic supporters of Bernie Sanders couldn’t get enough of him. After the end of his speech, the crowd kept clamoring for more "Bernie."

For older people in the crowd, Bernie Sanders restores the hope they once had of an America that works for everyone, a place where the people believed the American dream was something everyone could achieve. Bernie’s message is clear. Many older people in the crowd remembered Martin Luther King, Jr., the fight for the Civil Rights Act, free college, large employers who cared about their employees and their retirement benefits and the excitement of once being able to vote and to have that vote counted. Bernie speaks to an America that works for everyone, including the old and the young, minorities, women, Native Americans and immigrants. He speaks to protecting the environment, ending the private prison system, demilitarizing the police and making lawbreaking officers accountable, protecting the environment, ending fracking, protecting the water and food supply, going back to an America where public college is free,, reducing past college debt, bringing back jobs, ending poverty in America (which can be done), rebuilding the infrastructure, bringing about single-payer universal health care to all and breaking up the big banks. On those issues, Clinton offers nothing.

This is the first time in history that a major party has tried to nominate someone (Hillary Clinton) so close to being indicted. This is the first time the Democratic Party has tried to force a nominee on the voters whom the bulk of the American people believe has committed felonies worse than the actions of others who have received long prison sentences or are having to live in exile. One mother in the crowd asked, “What kind of a parent would I be if showed my children that any wanton criminal could get my vote for President?”
One reporter (from another press outlet) compared the differences of huge enthusiastic crowd at the Coliseum to the significantly smaller Clinton crowd of mindless unenthusiastic zombies he had interviewed. When questioned about why they supported Hillary, they provided pre-programmed responses such as, “She’s a woman” and “It’s her time.” Sanders supporters will talk about the issues and trustworthiness when asked about their candidate.
One reporter (from another press outlet) compared the differences of huge enthusiastic crowd at the Coliseum to the significantly smaller Clinton crowd of mindless unenthusiastic zombies he had interviewed. When questioned about why they supported Hillary, they provided pre-programmed responses such as, “She’s a woman” and “It’s her time.” Sanders supporters will talk about the issues and trustworthiness when asked about their candidate.

The crowd of thousands were mostly "Bernie or Bust." Some have compared the DNC’s claim that Sanders supporters will unite behind Hillary to an expectation that you will gladly provide gas money to someone who stole your car, an appropriate comparison as Hillary is seen as having stolen the right to vote from millions of Americans. Many Sanders supporters have said they would not vote for Hillary if someone put a gun to their heads. However, many have already noticed voting irregularities in California and fear that Clinton will rig another election, this time an election that is expected to be a landslide for Sanders if the votes of all the eligible voters are counted.
The following videos were recorded by Justice Gazette videographer Einar Storm. Due to the reporters rocking the risers and foreign correspondents chatting over the speeches of the Superstars, this video contains a little of the realism from the press section.
The following videos were recorded by Justice Gazette videographer Einar Storm. Due to the reporters rocking the risers and foreign correspondents chatting over the speeches of the Superstars, this video contains a little of the realism from the press section.