Tulsi Gabbard Is Still Running for President (Video)

3/2/20. Los Angeles, CA. Tulsi Gabbard packed a large hall in Los Angeles on with minimal notice on Sunday, showing that she is much more popular than polls and rigged elections tend to indicate. Usually, there are dissenters or naysayers in a large crowd. However, at the Tulsi event, the entire crowd was unified in enthusiastic support of the beautiful major and Congresswoman, the only candidate of color currently in the race. There was not one negative voice, not one person who had issues with Tulsi, present in the filled auditorium. A member of the audience announced he was glad he had gone to the Tulsi rally, instead of the nearby Bernie rally. It was amazing to see such a large audience so filled with love for and commitment to the candidate that the media has attacked and hidden.

Speaking to the hearts of the crowd that packed hall, people were moved to tears, seeing that someone running for President actually cared about making real people’s lives better. One disabled woman spoke of how Tulsi was her hero because of Tulsi’s support for issues that mattered most to people who were disadvantaged.
The Tulsi event was filled with performers. Among those in the audience at Tulsi’s event were popular show hosts Niko House (MCSC) and Craig Pasta Jardula (Convo Counch). The co-host of the Convo Couch Fionella Isabel also dropped by the Tulsi event.
Tulsi still has a path to the nomination. However, the issue of peace promoted by her campaign has promoted surpasses any Presidential victory. By educating the people on the threat of a seemingly imminent nuclear war, the biggest threat to the planet, she has already won, no matter what happens in the election. Most Americans support Tuisi on the issues: Medicare for All, College for All, ending the wars and sanctions, bringing military funding home, ending homelessness, saving the environment, returning to paper ballots, criminal justice reform, restoration of our rights, support for the First Amendment and journalists, and other issues that put the people first.
The Tulsi event was filled with performers. Among those in the audience at Tulsi’s event were popular show hosts Niko House (MCSC) and Craig Pasta Jardula (Convo Counch). The co-host of the Convo Couch Fionella Isabel also dropped by the Tulsi event.
Tulsi still has a path to the nomination. However, the issue of peace promoted by her campaign has promoted surpasses any Presidential victory. By educating the people on the threat of a seemingly imminent nuclear war, the biggest threat to the planet, she has already won, no matter what happens in the election. Most Americans support Tuisi on the issues: Medicare for All, College for All, ending the wars and sanctions, bringing military funding home, ending homelessness, saving the environment, returning to paper ballots, criminal justice reform, restoration of our rights, support for the First Amendment and journalists, and other issues that put the people first.

Tulsi’s paper ballots legislation would dramatically increase accuracy of elections. Currently the machines are giving results that do not reflect the polling or reports of actual votes from voters. In California, election results are too frequently flipped at the tabulators for Californians to believe that the results bear any rational relationship to the voting. So it’s anyone’s guess how close the reported results in the Democratic primaries are or will be to the actual votes.
One member of the audience expressed concern for Tulsi’s safety. Tulsi said she had some protection and that the people were her real protection.
Tulsi spoke of her support for journalists. She is the only Democratic candidate for President to call for the dropping of all charges against Julian Assange and the freeing of Chelsea Manning. At her event, journalists were treated very well.
One member of the audience expressed concern for Tulsi’s safety. Tulsi said she had some protection and that the people were her real protection.
Tulsi spoke of her support for journalists. She is the only Democratic candidate for President to call for the dropping of all charges against Julian Assange and the freeing of Chelsea Manning. At her event, journalists were treated very well.

At the end of Bernie Sanders’s Los Angeles event that took place the same day, the bulk of journalists left feeling mistreated and angry at Bernie’s campaign. Reporters there were threatened by police into giving up reserved spots on the press risers and were crowded into conditions that appeared unsafe and hazardous. The Sanders campaign had emailed individual confirmations for riser spots and had no excuse for not knowing how many reporters they had confirmed for their undersized riser area. Additional risers could have been set up on less than half an hour’s notice at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The confirmations went out days before the event and it was known at that time how many journalists were confirmed. Pro-war, billion dollar media reporters were treated as upper class celebrities while the bulk of the invited and confirmed reporters were treated as worthless peons. The mistreatment of journalists by the Sanders campaign was in stark contrast to the warm welcome journalists received from the Tulsi Gabbard’s campaign
Speakers at Bernie’s event seemed to have been selected for the purpose of pushing the “Bernie or Bust” crowd at the rally into supporting an establishment nominee when the election is stolen. That’s how Van Dyke spoke. It was as if he was expecting the nomination to be stolen from Bernie. The Berners refused to take that nonsense and vocally expressed their refusal to support a nominee other than Bernie. It wasn’t just Van Dyke who represented blue at all costs. To the dismay of Berners, Sarah Silverman, who previously insulted the Berners at the National Convention in 2016 by telling them they were ridiculous for not supporting election theft, was a primary speaker. Both Bernie and Van Dyke spoke highly of Silverman to the further dismay of the crowd. In stark contrast, nobody encouraged voters to go against their conscience at the Tulsi event.
Speakers at Bernie’s event seemed to have been selected for the purpose of pushing the “Bernie or Bust” crowd at the rally into supporting an establishment nominee when the election is stolen. That’s how Van Dyke spoke. It was as if he was expecting the nomination to be stolen from Bernie. The Berners refused to take that nonsense and vocally expressed their refusal to support a nominee other than Bernie. It wasn’t just Van Dyke who represented blue at all costs. To the dismay of Berners, Sarah Silverman, who previously insulted the Berners at the National Convention in 2016 by telling them they were ridiculous for not supporting election theft, was a primary speaker. Both Bernie and Van Dyke spoke highly of Silverman to the further dismay of the crowd. In stark contrast, nobody encouraged voters to go against their conscience at the Tulsi event.

Bernie gave a short speech that disappointed many who had traveled long distances, expecting a longer presentation. Though not happy with the brevity of the speech, the crowd was happy for the chance to see Bernie.
The Bernie’s event was well attended by enthusiastic supporters. However, Bernie’s event was considered by those who had been to other Bernie events in California to have been the worst in terms of public relations. A reporter from Oklahoma stated that the Bernie rallies in other states this year were just as bad in terms of press and public relations.
The Bernie’s event was well attended by enthusiastic supporters. However, Bernie’s event was considered by those who had been to other Bernie events in California to have been the worst in terms of public relations. A reporter from Oklahoma stated that the Bernie rallies in other states this year were just as bad in terms of press and public relations.

Tulsi’s ability to continue to rise in popularity in spite of media attacks and a black-out make her a possible frontrunner for the 2024 nomination if the Democrats throw the election by rejecting the popular will in 2020. One person in the audience at Bernie’s rally commented, “The DNC can bend to the will of the people and let Bernie be President now or see the complete downfall of their Establishment agenda when Tulsi overwhelmingly wins the 2024 nomination.”
Following are videos recorded by the Justice Gazette at the Tulsi and Bernie events
Following are videos recorded by the Justice Gazette at the Tulsi and Bernie events