CA Senate Judiciary Committee Silences Kids as it Votes to Require Injection of Aborted Fetal Tissue, Cancer and Leukemia into All School Kids

April 28, 2015. Sacramento, CA Senate Judiciary Chairman Hannah-Beth Jackson showed no remorse as she shut down children who had waited their turn to voice their opposition to a bill that would all school-children to be injected with compounds containing aborted fetal lung tissue and found to cause cancer and leukemia.
Although harshly silencing school kids who did not want to be forcibly injected from having a say after they waited in long lines to speak, Jackson allowed a group of pharmaceutical students from the University of the University of the Pacific, School of Pharmacy, reportedly bused in for school credit, to state their support for the bill. Alienated by the lobbying efforts, the audience repeatedly bust out laughing rand was silenced when some of those lined up to announce they were agaainst the bill also announced "I am not a pharmaceutical student" or "I am not a pharmaceutical lobbyist."
Robert Kennedy on April 8, 2015 stated that the pharmaceutical lobby was the biggest of all lobbies and that our legislators worked for them and not for the people. Observers at the Senate Judiciary Committee meeting got a first hand glance at evidence of Kennedy's statements. The meeting started off without a quorum. Members arrived to make a quorum, while missing most of the opposition testimony and making sure to be present to vote. Five members had already committed to the pharmaceutical industry that they would support the legislation that would additional assets and profits to the pharmaceutical lobby in spite of the risk in injury to the public and a loss of the right to a public or private education to millions of California school children.
Although harshly silencing school kids who did not want to be forcibly injected from having a say after they waited in long lines to speak, Jackson allowed a group of pharmaceutical students from the University of the University of the Pacific, School of Pharmacy, reportedly bused in for school credit, to state their support for the bill. Alienated by the lobbying efforts, the audience repeatedly bust out laughing rand was silenced when some of those lined up to announce they were agaainst the bill also announced "I am not a pharmaceutical student" or "I am not a pharmaceutical lobbyist."
Robert Kennedy on April 8, 2015 stated that the pharmaceutical lobby was the biggest of all lobbies and that our legislators worked for them and not for the people. Observers at the Senate Judiciary Committee meeting got a first hand glance at evidence of Kennedy's statements. The meeting started off without a quorum. Members arrived to make a quorum, while missing most of the opposition testimony and making sure to be present to vote. Five members had already committed to the pharmaceutical industry that they would support the legislation that would additional assets and profits to the pharmaceutical lobby in spite of the risk in injury to the public and a loss of the right to a public or private education to millions of California school children.

Though the bill's primary author Senator Richard Pan (documented recipient of sizable pharmaceutical contrutions) watched seemingly unmoved as ,Karen Kain, whose daughter eventually died of complications from the MMR vaccine testified about her loss on April 8, 2015 as SB 277, he had a smiling face as he told the committee on April 28th no child had died from the MMR. He had also been notified of other deaths prior to this appearance Many observers saw this as proof that there was no limit to what he would say to assist the pharmaceutical industry in its endeavors. As further evidence of his position, Pan also referred to studies that had been called false and maniuplated by CDC lead scientist and whistle-blower William Thompson. Whenever facts and reports contradicted Pan, he found assistance in pro-pharmaceutical committee members: Mark Leno, Robert Hertzberg and Bill Monning who used their speaking time to assist Pan in smoothing over the damaging testimony against the bill.
Extra speaking time was given by Chairman Jackson to proponents of the bill while Jackson used much of the opposition's time to interrogate and verbally attack opposition experts. The audience sat stunned over the obvious bias and the appearance of white-washing of serious risks testified to by the opposition experts who testified and by the parents who stood in line to express opposition because their children had been injured by the vaccines. At one point proponent expert, pediatrician Dean Blumberg slipped up and mentioned ties between the vaccines and Leukemia and cancer.
Extra speaking time was given by Chairman Jackson to proponents of the bill while Jackson used much of the opposition's time to interrogate and verbally attack opposition experts. The audience sat stunned over the obvious bias and the appearance of white-washing of serious risks testified to by the opposition experts who testified and by the parents who stood in line to express opposition because their children had been injured by the vaccines. At one point proponent expert, pediatrician Dean Blumberg slipped up and mentioned ties between the vaccines and Leukemia and cancer.

New York University School of Law's Mary Holland, who had an extensive background in Constitutional and international law, discussed the conflict between established California and Federal precedent and the the new bill. She noted that strict scrutiny would be applied with respect to this legislation. She spoke of thousands of victims and approximately 150 deaths from the vaccines being mandated.
Holland noted that the bill denied medical recipients of the right to informed consent as consemt under duress is not informed consent. A question that was not raised was whether it was informed if students are not told they could get leukemia from the vaccines before those vaccines are forced on them.
At one point, Holland asked how this would be enforced. Would children be taken away from parents who refused to get them vaccinated? Jackson burst into an angry response and seemed to be denying that the bill had any enforcement provisions. Millions of children are in fact taken away from parents every year over such trivial differences as between the parents and government regarding the raising of the kids as a parent's refusal to give psychotropic medication that is potentially harmful to the kids. Jackson appeared visibly enraged as Dr. Holland compared forcing injections without lawful consent to similar forced acts, such as rape. Jackson, who has been the recipient of many complaints regarding the failure of her committee to protect children from judicially sanctioned child rape and sex trafficking, let the human rights expert know that she would not tolerate discussions of rape.
Holland also pointed out the likley violations of the Americans with Disability Act as many of thoese currently attending school under personal exemptions are special needs students who would be denied an education if this bill passes.
Holland noted that the bill denied medical recipients of the right to informed consent as consemt under duress is not informed consent. A question that was not raised was whether it was informed if students are not told they could get leukemia from the vaccines before those vaccines are forced on them.
At one point, Holland asked how this would be enforced. Would children be taken away from parents who refused to get them vaccinated? Jackson burst into an angry response and seemed to be denying that the bill had any enforcement provisions. Millions of children are in fact taken away from parents every year over such trivial differences as between the parents and government regarding the raising of the kids as a parent's refusal to give psychotropic medication that is potentially harmful to the kids. Jackson appeared visibly enraged as Dr. Holland compared forcing injections without lawful consent to similar forced acts, such as rape. Jackson, who has been the recipient of many complaints regarding the failure of her committee to protect children from judicially sanctioned child rape and sex trafficking, let the human rights expert know that she would not tolerate discussions of rape.
Holland also pointed out the likley violations of the Americans with Disability Act as many of thoese currently attending school under personal exemptions are special needs students who would be denied an education if this bill passes.

Another of the independent experts testifying against the bill was Dr. Tara Zandvliet from San Diego. Dr. Zandvliet spoke of the inability of parents to obtain medical exemptions for their remaining children when one of their children had died or been paralyzed from a required vaccine. They are also regularly denied medical exemptions when the child forced to be injected had had an auto-iimmune diseasemaking the vaccine dangerous.

Checking reporters for pre-approval, the Senate staff limited which favored news services could speak with the Judiciary Committee members while awaiting the hearing and determined which ones would be allowed to be in a position to take pictures. Un-embedded reporters did better than children who tried to speak but had the microphione taken away. The two boys pictured to the right had an audience full of supporters -- even though Chairman Jackson spoke very harshly to kids for trying to speak on this matter that would effect their righrs and the committee bouncer took the microphone from the first boy.

Senate Judiciary Committee Member Joel Anderson seemed to be the only committee member interested in getting at information rather than pushing a position on the bill. He expressed concern about the issues raised by attendees who were chastised by Jackson for quickly mentioning their concerns: like injured children or Constituional objections.
The Hepatitis B vaccine is one of the mandated vaccines. Anderson asked Pan if a student who had Hepatitis B would be allowed to attend school and Pan replied in the affirmative. When he asked Pan if a student not vaccinated for Hepatitis B and who did not have Hepatitis B would be allowed to attend school, Pan said that an unvaccinated student with an exemption would be allowed to attend. Without being vaccinated a student who didn't have the disease would not be allowed. When Anderson asked Pan if the students who reportedly brought measles to Disneyland were American citizens, he stated he didn't know. In an earlier hearing, the question was posed whether out-of-state Disneyland visitors would be forced to be vaccinated when entering the park. Jackson gave Anderson a stern warning she would not tolerate his questions about the medical threat of the bill to the health of children as that was a health issue for a different committee.
Anderson expressed concern over the use of aborted fetal tissue and noted that this went against his religious beliefs. This may also go to the issue of informed consent. Should someone have the right to refuse to be injected with aborted fetal tissue?
The hearings were lightened up with laughter when, during questioning regarding the fetal tissue, Pan and co-author Allen cited the Pope as a supporter of looking the other way with respect to the origins of the vaccines.. However, it turned out that their quote was from a Catholic Advisory Group and not the Pope. The audience roared with laughter while Chairman Jackson worked to do damage control for Pan.
At one point, Dorit Reiss, an agency law attorney on Hastings Law School Staff and a vaccine proponent, herself, argued that the religions organizations opposing the vaccines were lesser religions, a position that appeared to be readily accepted by Jackson.. Attorneys associated with the Justice Gazette stated they felt Reiss's information seemed muddled and not relevant in promoting the case of the bill's Constitutionality.
The Hepatitis B vaccine is one of the mandated vaccines. Anderson asked Pan if a student who had Hepatitis B would be allowed to attend school and Pan replied in the affirmative. When he asked Pan if a student not vaccinated for Hepatitis B and who did not have Hepatitis B would be allowed to attend school, Pan said that an unvaccinated student with an exemption would be allowed to attend. Without being vaccinated a student who didn't have the disease would not be allowed. When Anderson asked Pan if the students who reportedly brought measles to Disneyland were American citizens, he stated he didn't know. In an earlier hearing, the question was posed whether out-of-state Disneyland visitors would be forced to be vaccinated when entering the park. Jackson gave Anderson a stern warning she would not tolerate his questions about the medical threat of the bill to the health of children as that was a health issue for a different committee.
Anderson expressed concern over the use of aborted fetal tissue and noted that this went against his religious beliefs. This may also go to the issue of informed consent. Should someone have the right to refuse to be injected with aborted fetal tissue?
The hearings were lightened up with laughter when, during questioning regarding the fetal tissue, Pan and co-author Allen cited the Pope as a supporter of looking the other way with respect to the origins of the vaccines.. However, it turned out that their quote was from a Catholic Advisory Group and not the Pope. The audience roared with laughter while Chairman Jackson worked to do damage control for Pan.
At one point, Dorit Reiss, an agency law attorney on Hastings Law School Staff and a vaccine proponent, herself, argued that the religions organizations opposing the vaccines were lesser religions, a position that appeared to be readily accepted by Jackson.. Attorneys associated with the Justice Gazette stated they felt Reiss's information seemed muddled and not relevant in promoting the case of the bill's Constitutionality.

A long stream of parents and other concerned votersl was allowed to filter to the microphone to state their opposition to the bill. spoke against the bill. Most of the crowd had to wait in long lines outside the hearing room as there were significantly more objectors to the bill than there were seats on the floor or in the balcony. Some spoke for groups of thousands or hundreds of thousands of voting families. A count of those represented revealed millions of California voters are opposed to the bill. Youth speakers were harshly silenced by Jackson. Another hearing in a different room, reportedly to criminalize working at a day care center without receiving a number of unspecified vaccines (SB 792) took place at the same time and so it was hard to get a full count or a count of how many were present and how many didn't get to speak. (One of the largest lobbies in the California Democratic Party is the prison guards lobby Prisoners are being put to work to make profits for private corporations, something that makes the Day Care bill appear self-serving to many observers.) A Security officer at one of the entrances to the Capitol estimated that 10,000 guests had arrived that day through his entrance.
Jackson occasionally voiced threats to cut off the line of objectors and close down the line. She reprimanded one person for referencing the Fourth Amendment. Attorneys associated with the Justice Gazette have said that this is an area that should be further explored. The vaccines involve an intrusion into the bodies of children while recipients and their parents are not allowed to look at the risks and make an informed decision whether to accept the risk of leukemia, cancer, death or paralysis. They have no legal recourse to the violations of their bodies in the civil or criminal courts and those responsible for putting poisons in the vaccines are protected from having to compensate anyone for any injuries from any vaccines. The injection recipients are told they will lose a fundamental right if they refuse and parents have been placed in fear of loss of their children if they protect their children from the injections of vaccines that that killed or harmed their other children. The children and their parents are not appraised of the contents of the vaccines and are not given the right to object to the inclusion of mercury, arsenic, cyanide, cancer cells or aborted fetal tissue.
Jackson occasionally voiced threats to cut off the line of objectors and close down the line. She reprimanded one person for referencing the Fourth Amendment. Attorneys associated with the Justice Gazette have said that this is an area that should be further explored. The vaccines involve an intrusion into the bodies of children while recipients and their parents are not allowed to look at the risks and make an informed decision whether to accept the risk of leukemia, cancer, death or paralysis. They have no legal recourse to the violations of their bodies in the civil or criminal courts and those responsible for putting poisons in the vaccines are protected from having to compensate anyone for any injuries from any vaccines. The injection recipients are told they will lose a fundamental right if they refuse and parents have been placed in fear of loss of their children if they protect their children from the injections of vaccines that that killed or harmed their other children. The children and their parents are not appraised of the contents of the vaccines and are not given the right to object to the inclusion of mercury, arsenic, cyanide, cancer cells or aborted fetal tissue.

The vote was five to one. John Moorlach, not present, was reportedly opposed to the bill. However, a second vote would not have over-ridden the majority of those present who were already associated with the bill.
Many constituents of Jackson, Pan, Monning, Hertzberg, Wieckowski and Leno expressed disappointment in their support for the bill. One former supporter of Leno's expressed severe disappointment, saying that he seems to have acclimated to the politics of big money.
Many constituents of Jackson, Pan, Monning, Hertzberg, Wieckowski and Leno expressed disappointment in their support for the bill. One former supporter of Leno's expressed severe disappointment, saying that he seems to have acclimated to the politics of big money.

Though Pan was caught in what appeared to observers to be a number of major falsehoods, mistatements or fabrications during the hearing, observers are concerned about one seeming whopper that went unchecked. It was the claim that all but the ten vaccines specifically listed in 277 would allow a personal exemption as if the bill had been amended to include a personal exemption under section (b) (11), the section that would theoretically allow for forced vacination against the swine fllu or against rebelliousness. Section (b)(11) does not currently appear to be so amended. In the education committee it was pointed out that Pan had promised to amend a prior bill and Jerry Brown had been required to fix that bill by executive order as Pan never fulfilled his promise.