Do California's Police Endanger More Lives Than They Save? (videos)

June 2, 2020. Southern California. On Saturday, in Los Angeles heavily armed police and sheriff's deputies initiated attacks on peaceful protesters, observers, photographers and members of the press. Who set fires to the police cars? According to witnesses, the police and white thugs who came with the police set the fires. The Los Angeles Democratic Mayor is Eric Garcetti. A Democratic Board of Supervisors was also responsible for the arrival of heavily armed Sheriff’s Deputies who further terrorized Angelinos on Saturday. Similar events took place on other days in Los Angeles and in other California cities, generally controlled by Democratic mayors, city councils and boards of supervisors. Why is the political affiliation of the city leaders relevant? It could be because those responsible for or allowing the violent mistreatment of Californians are pointing to a guy of opposing political affiliation thousands of miles away who did NOT send in troops to California last weekend to shoot at unarmed peaceful protesters. (To dispel any claims of bias, it can be pointed out that nobody on The Justice Gazette team voted for or plans to vote for the guy in the White House. This is a neutral observation. All news teams should report in a neutral manner.)

On Saturday, peaceful Black Lives Matter supporters protesting the deaths of a great many innocent and unarmed African-Americans in Los Angeles and around the nation (including George Floyd) at the hands of police met at Pan Pacific Park. This protest and all the BLM protests were not Blacks verses Whites but included people of all colors. White Americans are among the strongest supporters of Black Lives Matter.

The actions of Governor Gavin Newsom, Mayor Garcetti and the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors have left many Angelinos starving, in danger of joining the homeless population and without necessities of living. The same applies to the Mayor and City Council of Santa Monica, where some strong violence against protesters took place the following day. To try to ease the harm done by local officials to the people, Black Lives Matter provided free food and water to anyone who needed it. Numerous organizations donate qualify food and water to BLM events for this purpose. People of all races greeted each other warmly at the park and passersby honked approval as protesters cheered the honks.

The marchers started walking down Beverly Blvd towards downtown as cars continued honking approval. The drivers were very supportive of the marchers who had taken over half of the road and were walking next to cars going the other direction on the other side. Often cars had signs in their windshields or side windows in support of the march. Someone in the group of marchers said, “Let’s go the other direction, where the rich people can see us.” The crowd turned and walked in the direction of Beverly Hills.

As the crowd passed Fairfax, a sizable police presence watched them. It was very clear that the police controlled the Fairfax and Beverly intersection and surrounding area. Law enforcement clearly was not going to let anyone they didn’t approve of touch their cars. The protesters politely marched past the officers in a respectful manner. Most of the officers watched but did not speak. However, one African-American officer wished the protesters a happy protest. That officer was not later seen when the trouble began. Perhaps he did not want to be part of it. A little ways further up the street, the protesters turned to march back towards the park.

It was not until after the march had already passed Fairfax on the way back that a loud sound and smoke was visible in the intersection. People moved back towards the intersection to see what was what was occurring. Those who were close enough to see what happened said two white men who seemed to be associated with the police had been allowed by the police to pour a liquid from water bottles on the car and set it on fire. Witnesses said there was already graffiti on the car when it arrived. The significant number of police present moved back and choose to simply watch the car burning. The police then allowed another car to be vandalized. However after people started taking pictures, the police formed police lines in the intersection and started firing rubber projectiles at photographers. Reporters also experienced what they believed was tear gas. Everyone was running to get away from what was being fired.

After the initial police violence and to protect African-Americans, as many Whites as possible went up front between the African-Americans and the police lines. This is often the case as Whites know Blacks are often targeted by police. Police refused to answer reporters’ questions about how the fire started. In other locations, police were reportedly witnessed setting fire to their own cars without the use of their undercover friends.

On the way back towards Pan Pacific Park, marchers saw police vehicles loading up with tear gas, rubber and other projectiles and assault weapons in a CBS closed parking lot. When asked about the situation, the CBS parking attendants stated that the police were in charge. Police vehicles later drove out of the CBS parking lot. The reporting by CBS has failed to show the extensive violence done by police against protesters. Many viewed what they saw as a sign of collusion between CBS and the police.

Later trucks of armed riot squads could be seen driving up Beverly past Pan Pacific Park. Protesters (some white) walked past the park with serious injuries to their faces from projectiles that had been fired by police. As none of the protesters or marchers were armed, the firing of these projectiles was an attack on peaceful people and not in defense of anything. One girl lost an eye from being hit with a tear gas canister. A young male who received a bloody eye from a fired bean bag was another victim. More and more riot troops kept arriving as if preparing for a military assault with peaceful American citizens apparently being deemed the enemy.

Police attacked civilian cars and shot out the back window of one reporter’s vehicle. Other reporters were trapped in front of the CBS parking lot and buildings. This adds to the theory of collusion between CBS and the police. The police fired rubber bullets at the unarmed reporters and observers who held their hands in the air. Reporters and others were arrested. Among those arrested were two of the nation’s most respected reporters, Fiorella Isabel and Jonny Tsunami Mayorca. Fiorella and Jonathan were simply recording the events.

Police were reportedly involved in instigating looting in Los Angeles and later Santa Monica. The looting was not connected to BLM but could be expected in cities where people are starving and desperately need necessities to live. As Nany Pelosi eats $70 a container ice cream from her refrigerators valued at $24,000, formerly middle class people are looking are looking in trash cans for food to feed their children. Yet California leaders wonder why there is looting. BLM always discourages marchers and protesters from engaging in any illegal conduct. The looting is the natural result of a society destroyed by the shutdown of the state’s economy and the destruction of the middle class orchestrated by governors, mayors and members of Congress.

Half an hour away from Los Angeles in Orange, California where citizens have been riding bicycles and walking without masks for much of the statewide COVID lockdown, BLM has held protests with free food and water and there has been no looting. On Sunday, a couple of motorcycle policemen rode down Glassell to the City Center Circle where the Orange protest was taking place and left quickly without interfering or showing any interest in attacking the protesters. The police in Orange have a different viewpoint of citizens there.
Videos of protests across the nation show that it is the police, not the protesters, who are out of control and instigating the violence. Across the country, police cars and police horses are running over people and officers are injuring, killing and arresting law-abiding unarmed citizens. However, when real crime victims ask for the help of police, they are told to make their crime reports online or by phone as no policeman will be assisting them in person. The killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and of African-Americans and other unarmed people elsewhere by police illuminates how out of control the police are and the extent to which they disrespect human life. Often the police killings of unarmed citizens is witnessed and supported or at least allowed by other officers who watch and do nothing to stop the killings, as was the case in the apparent execution of George Floyd.
Videos of protests across the nation show that it is the police, not the protesters, who are out of control and instigating the violence. Across the country, police cars and police horses are running over people and officers are injuring, killing and arresting law-abiding unarmed citizens. However, when real crime victims ask for the help of police, they are told to make their crime reports online or by phone as no policeman will be assisting them in person. The killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and of African-Americans and other unarmed people elsewhere by police illuminates how out of control the police are and the extent to which they disrespect human life. Often the police killings of unarmed citizens is witnessed and supported or at least allowed by other officers who watch and do nothing to stop the killings, as was the case in the apparent execution of George Floyd.

So do the police perform a useful function any longer? Should citizens simply be responsible for their own neighborhoods? If the police cannot respond to crime victims but can only injure the innocent, there is a strong discrepancy between their perceived job description and what they really do.
One of the JG reporters was injured and we delayed this report a few days. During that time, a very biased media decided to pretend that the President was responsible for the police violence. It is important to note that the violence has surpassed politics. The local police forces do not work for the President. In California, the Governor, the legislative majority and most mayors are Democrats. The state leaders make the laws that the police act upon. It is to the state and local leaders that the police forces in the state are accountable. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors and ultimately the California State Government are responsible for the manner in which the police treat, mistreat, injure or kill citizens of this state. Southern California residents at the protest were prepared to hold their leaders accountable.
One of the JG reporters was injured and we delayed this report a few days. During that time, a very biased media decided to pretend that the President was responsible for the police violence. It is important to note that the violence has surpassed politics. The local police forces do not work for the President. In California, the Governor, the legislative majority and most mayors are Democrats. The state leaders make the laws that the police act upon. It is to the state and local leaders that the police forces in the state are accountable. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors and ultimately the California State Government are responsible for the manner in which the police treat, mistreat, injure or kill citizens of this state. Southern California residents at the protest were prepared to hold their leaders accountable.
Below, The Justice Gazette is linking to The Convo Couch's YouTube video of the arrest of reporters Fiorella and Jonny. The Convo Couch shot the most informative video of the day regarding the police misconduct. Fiorella, Jonny and Craig Pasta Jardula of The Convo Couch have done excellent reporting on police misconduct in Los Angeles as well as exposing voter fraud in Los Angeles and elsewhere. Fiorella and Jonny were stopped on Beverly Blvd in front of the CBS lot where the L.A.P.D. had prepared much of its offensive. Additional riot squads were driven up Beverly Blvd as well. If you look at the last two videos above, you can see the trucks with riot squads approaching the area where the reporters and marchers were falsely imprisoned.