American Racial Injustice Encourages the Extermination of African-Americans

July 9, 2016. USA. When asked in a the first debate if "Black Lives Matter" or if "All Lives Matter," without hesitation, Bernie Sanders said, "Black Lives Matter." This is because police and vigilantes are systematically gunning down Black Americans or murdering them in their jail cells or in squad cars and getting away with it.
Part of the epidemic of Black killings is caused by the failure of district attorneys to prosecute cases where unarmed Blacks are shot down or otherwise clearly murdered. To the left is a photo of Pam Fields, mother of Donte Jordon, gunned down by police as he was walking home to pay his rent. He was unarmed but was caught walking while Black. According to witnesses, the police jumped out of a car, fired bullets from their assault weapons across a distance of more than a hundred feet, spaying a building across the street from Donte with bullets and causing Donte to fall face down with ten bullets in his back. Then the police went up to him and plugged him twice more in the back, making sure he was dead. Donte was preparing to marry the girl of his dreams, the mother of his little daughter, both of whom continue to mourn for their loss. He was a law-abiding, non-violent citizen and reportedly a loving father and fiance. Pam also lost her nephew, Dante Parker, tased to death in Victorville after Dante was seen doing nothing wrong, just riding his bicycle.
When there are prosecutions of the police officers and would-be police officers, there is rarely any justice. In the case of Trayvon Martin, a 13 year old unarmed, loving and peaceful boy, gunned down by vigilante George Zimmerman went to trial using officers sympathetic to the shooter to try to make a half-hearted case. The result was that Zimmerman was acquitted.
In the cases of Michael Brown, Sandra Bland and Eric Garner, there has been no attempt at justice. Eric's daughter Erica made a video for Bernie Sanders because of Bernie's plan to demand Justice Department intervention in all cases of deaths of people in police custody. Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, has no such plan. In the case of Freddie Gray, who was left to die from injuries apparently caused by police officers who failed to take any action to save his life after injuring him, was the subject of prosecutions of those officers. There, the state prosecutor Marilyn Moseley, who has tried to seek justice, has been under fire for trying the officers believed to be responsible. Showing continued integrity, Mosely is still working to complete her prosecution of the officers.
The above are just a handful of cases in a sea of Black bodies, slaughtered because of the color of their skin without any serious consequences to those responsible for the loss of lives. So is it any wonder that Baton Rouge police officers Blane Salamoni seemingly had no qualms about shooting Alton Sterling, a black man Salamoni had disabled and lying incapacitated on the ground? Is it any wonder that Philando Castile was murdered in front of his fiance Diamond Reynolds and her little daughter while Castile was reaching for identification Officer Jeronimo Yanez had demanded he produce? On the video, the officer handcuffed and appears to have possibly ruffed up Ms. Reynolds in front of her young daughter as she tried to find out whether the man she loved was still alive. The little girl was frightened but tried to console her mother. Though Black males are receiving the bulk of the assassination treatment, unarmed Black females have also been executed by various police Departments. An example is Yuvette Henderson, shot while unarmed in Emeryville, CA. Demonstrators shut down the Home Depot that called the police on her during their five hour protest over her execution.
With respect to the killing of Castille, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton (a former Senator who received among the top human rights voting scores in the U.S. Senate) had this to say"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white? I don’t think it would have. So I am forced to confront and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront that this kind of racism exists.” Dayton also pointed out, “From the evidence that’s been presented, the video that was taken, no one should be shot in Minnesota…for a taillight being out of function. Nobody should be shot while they’re still seated in their car without…a very, very different kind of response. So, I’m heartbroken for Minnesota."
Adding to the genocide, African Americans are often slated for extermination in the death chambers of America. Innocent Blacks like Troy Davis, despite strong exonerating evidence, are executed for crimes they most likely did not commit. Stan "Tookie" Williams was a Nobel Peace Prize nominee at the time of his execution. While Bernie Sanders and other popular leaders like Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney oppose racially-motivated death penalty, Hillary Clinton (who has a history of promoting racist legislation) supports it.
One of the most popular human rights spokespersons is political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal, who is receiving inhuman torture within the Pennsylvania prison system, which has almost brought him to the brink of death. People and international human rights organizations around the world have called upon President Barack Obama to pardon Mumia and end his torture.
During a protest in Dallas, Texas following a call for crisis actors on Craig's List, four police officers were shot and a Black suspect was killed by a police bomb robot. The suspect killed was Micah Xavier Johnson, a U.S. Army veteran. Though Hillary Clinton showed concern for the officers killed, as all people should, she showed no similar concern for Sterling nor Castile. Hillary is white and opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, along with her mentor Barry Goldwater.
The writers of the Justice Gazette express condolences to the families of all of those killed this week. Following are Youtube videos on the executions of Alton Sterling (the first one uploaded by RT America and the second by CNN), Philando Castile (uploaded to YouTube by Kayse Pulliam) and Erica Gardner's video (uploaded by Bernie 2016). In the case of Alton Sterling, though the officers claimed Sterling had a gun, the videos appear to show otherwise. Will any of these officers be prosecuted or will there be no justice for their victims, just as there is rarely any justice for other African-Americans slaughtered on a regular basis in the United States of America.
Part of the epidemic of Black killings is caused by the failure of district attorneys to prosecute cases where unarmed Blacks are shot down or otherwise clearly murdered. To the left is a photo of Pam Fields, mother of Donte Jordon, gunned down by police as he was walking home to pay his rent. He was unarmed but was caught walking while Black. According to witnesses, the police jumped out of a car, fired bullets from their assault weapons across a distance of more than a hundred feet, spaying a building across the street from Donte with bullets and causing Donte to fall face down with ten bullets in his back. Then the police went up to him and plugged him twice more in the back, making sure he was dead. Donte was preparing to marry the girl of his dreams, the mother of his little daughter, both of whom continue to mourn for their loss. He was a law-abiding, non-violent citizen and reportedly a loving father and fiance. Pam also lost her nephew, Dante Parker, tased to death in Victorville after Dante was seen doing nothing wrong, just riding his bicycle.
When there are prosecutions of the police officers and would-be police officers, there is rarely any justice. In the case of Trayvon Martin, a 13 year old unarmed, loving and peaceful boy, gunned down by vigilante George Zimmerman went to trial using officers sympathetic to the shooter to try to make a half-hearted case. The result was that Zimmerman was acquitted.
In the cases of Michael Brown, Sandra Bland and Eric Garner, there has been no attempt at justice. Eric's daughter Erica made a video for Bernie Sanders because of Bernie's plan to demand Justice Department intervention in all cases of deaths of people in police custody. Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, has no such plan. In the case of Freddie Gray, who was left to die from injuries apparently caused by police officers who failed to take any action to save his life after injuring him, was the subject of prosecutions of those officers. There, the state prosecutor Marilyn Moseley, who has tried to seek justice, has been under fire for trying the officers believed to be responsible. Showing continued integrity, Mosely is still working to complete her prosecution of the officers.
The above are just a handful of cases in a sea of Black bodies, slaughtered because of the color of their skin without any serious consequences to those responsible for the loss of lives. So is it any wonder that Baton Rouge police officers Blane Salamoni seemingly had no qualms about shooting Alton Sterling, a black man Salamoni had disabled and lying incapacitated on the ground? Is it any wonder that Philando Castile was murdered in front of his fiance Diamond Reynolds and her little daughter while Castile was reaching for identification Officer Jeronimo Yanez had demanded he produce? On the video, the officer handcuffed and appears to have possibly ruffed up Ms. Reynolds in front of her young daughter as she tried to find out whether the man she loved was still alive. The little girl was frightened but tried to console her mother. Though Black males are receiving the bulk of the assassination treatment, unarmed Black females have also been executed by various police Departments. An example is Yuvette Henderson, shot while unarmed in Emeryville, CA. Demonstrators shut down the Home Depot that called the police on her during their five hour protest over her execution.
With respect to the killing of Castille, Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton (a former Senator who received among the top human rights voting scores in the U.S. Senate) had this to say"Would this have happened if those passengers, the driver and the passengers, were white? I don’t think it would have. So I am forced to confront and I think all of us in Minnesota are forced to confront that this kind of racism exists.” Dayton also pointed out, “From the evidence that’s been presented, the video that was taken, no one should be shot in Minnesota…for a taillight being out of function. Nobody should be shot while they’re still seated in their car without…a very, very different kind of response. So, I’m heartbroken for Minnesota."
Adding to the genocide, African Americans are often slated for extermination in the death chambers of America. Innocent Blacks like Troy Davis, despite strong exonerating evidence, are executed for crimes they most likely did not commit. Stan "Tookie" Williams was a Nobel Peace Prize nominee at the time of his execution. While Bernie Sanders and other popular leaders like Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney oppose racially-motivated death penalty, Hillary Clinton (who has a history of promoting racist legislation) supports it.
One of the most popular human rights spokespersons is political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal, who is receiving inhuman torture within the Pennsylvania prison system, which has almost brought him to the brink of death. People and international human rights organizations around the world have called upon President Barack Obama to pardon Mumia and end his torture.
During a protest in Dallas, Texas following a call for crisis actors on Craig's List, four police officers were shot and a Black suspect was killed by a police bomb robot. The suspect killed was Micah Xavier Johnson, a U.S. Army veteran. Though Hillary Clinton showed concern for the officers killed, as all people should, she showed no similar concern for Sterling nor Castile. Hillary is white and opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, along with her mentor Barry Goldwater.
The writers of the Justice Gazette express condolences to the families of all of those killed this week. Following are Youtube videos on the executions of Alton Sterling (the first one uploaded by RT America and the second by CNN), Philando Castile (uploaded to YouTube by Kayse Pulliam) and Erica Gardner's video (uploaded by Bernie 2016). In the case of Alton Sterling, though the officers claimed Sterling had a gun, the videos appear to show otherwise. Will any of these officers be prosecuted or will there be no justice for their victims, just as there is rarely any justice for other African-Americans slaughtered on a regular basis in the United States of America.