California Democrats Show No Compassion for Dead or Injured Chldren as Protesters Outnumber Convention Delegates

such as contempt or hatred poured from many of the delegates to the 2015
California Democratic Convention as well over a thousand protested, many of
whose children had been killed or injured by vaccines spread out around the
convention center. The protesters weren't run-of the-mill issue
people. They came armed with facts, ready to debate the science and
ramifications of SB 277. Delegates, however, refused to debate and
instead, many resorted to insulting the protesters, some saying f---you to
parents whose kids had been killed by vaccines.
The protesters were mostly Democratic voters, accompanied by their children. It was commented that there had never been so many children at the Democratic Convention. Robert Kennedy, Jr., himself, pointed out that mothers opposing the vaccines were among the most extraordinary women he had met, saying they were intelligent, knowledgeable, well-educated. He noted that many of them were scientists, doctors, educators, lawyers and other professionals, armed with hard facts and statistics. Oddly, the delegates, as a whole lacked an interest in statistics and any scientific data. Instead, one Democrat three fliers with Kennedy's picture around a room and tried to stop other delegates from reading them. Others, on the resolutions committee, prioritized legislation to require parents whose kids had been killed by vaccines to allow the state to force a potential death sentence on their remaining children or watch their children expelled from school. Many delegates resembled zombies, spouting a pro-vax mantra.
The protesters were mostly Democratic voters, accompanied by their children. It was commented that there had never been so many children at the Democratic Convention. Robert Kennedy, Jr., himself, pointed out that mothers opposing the vaccines were among the most extraordinary women he had met, saying they were intelligent, knowledgeable, well-educated. He noted that many of them were scientists, doctors, educators, lawyers and other professionals, armed with hard facts and statistics. Oddly, the delegates, as a whole lacked an interest in statistics and any scientific data. Instead, one Democrat three fliers with Kennedy's picture around a room and tried to stop other delegates from reading them. Others, on the resolutions committee, prioritized legislation to require parents whose kids had been killed by vaccines to allow the state to force a potential death sentence on their remaining children or watch their children expelled from school. Many delegates resembled zombies, spouting a pro-vax mantra.

Inside the Convention, lobbyists for Big Pharma, exempted from liability from any deaths or injuries these vaccines caused, were seemingly calling the shots. There were some sympathetic delegates but the majority behaved coldly and insultingly towards the grieving parents. A number of parents spoke of plans to leave the Democratic Party because of the willingness of the Democratic Party to put money above human life. According to Robert Kennedy, the pharmaceutical lobbyists have bought and paid for California's legislators and the reason for bills like SB277 is that the legislators work for the pharmaceutical industry, not for the people. These actions of coldly putting money above people are the type of behavior Democrats have traditionally accused the Republicans ofoing. Opposition to this kind of politicking is the reason Californians have voted Democrat in recent years.

While the convention delegates for Friday and Saturday totaled above two thousand, nowhere near that many could be seen on the floor of the convention on Saturday morning and at no particular point did the number of people inside apear to be as large as the numer of protesters outside on Saturday morning. On Saturday morning the well over one-thousand protesters appeared to exceed the number of delegates to come out for their party's opening morning speeches. The primary casualty of SB 277 is expected to be California schools, many of which may close over the bill, and the Democratic Party in the 2016 election when the referendum repealing 277 is expected to bring a record number of voters to the polls to repeal the Democratic measure. Democrats learned in the election of 2014 that Democratic voters often stay home when unhappy with their party but opponents often work hard to get our their votes. If the Democratic Party loses its California electors in 2016, it will likely lose the Presidency.