The Justice Gazette Endorses Robert F. Kennedy Jr., for President of the USA

July 30, 2024. The Justice Gazette staff endorses Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, for President of the United States--even though The Justice Gazette staff adamantly disagrees with RFK's position on Israel. The following are some of the reasons for our endorsement.
- 1) RFK will protect the land, water and food from being poisoned with dangerous chemicals. He is the top environmental attorney in the USA and has taken on the biggest polluters in the country and the world. He has the guts to do what it takes to save the environment and the planet in a sane way that doesn't involve starving people and limiting their movements.
2) RFK will end the threat of World War III by making peace with other nations.
3) RFK will end the imperialistic wars for which our country is known.
4) RFK will restore freedom. He is the only candidate who, without wavering, stood up against mandates, lockdowns and medical killing for profits during the last three years. He successfully brought lawsuits to protect the freedom of Americans from the draconian policies Anthony Fauci and the Presidents pushed. RFK is the only Presidential candidate who has dared to sue Bid Pharma.
5) RFK is a Constitutionalist and the only candidate on the left who support the entire Bill of Rights.
6) As America's top environmental and civil rights attorney, RFK has demonstrated that he cares about the people and children of the USA. His courageous legal background sets him apart from all other candidates.
7) RFK has put his life and liberty on the line to get out the truth about issues that other candidates feared to learn about and to speak truth about.
8) RFK is the candidate Deep State fears the most,, which is why the Administration is hate-mongering against him and then refusing him the standard Secret Secret Service protection to which he is entitled and that any candidate polling as high as he is would otherwise receive.
There is one area of concern regarding RFK. He is flat out wrong and uneducated on Israel in a way that shows a seeming intentional ignorance. If the CIA/Mossad killed his dad and uncle, when they had Secret Service protection, protection that has been denied to RFK, it is not surprising that he would postpone an education on Israel until after the election. In his day to day life, RFK is fighting for Americans and does not have to deal with foreign policy until elected. However, it is highly probable (if not certain) that he will be cheated out of the nomination. If he somehow wins, The Justice Gazette trusts Dennis Kucinich (RFK's campaign manager) to educate RFK on the Israel-Palestine situation.