Tulsi Gabbard: America's
Fastest Rising 2020
Presidential Candidate

May 14, 2019. Santa Monica, CA. Political activists can’t find venues large enough to hold those who want to see Tulsi Gabbard, the Peace Candidate the Mainstream Media is trying to hide. To the chagrin of the MSM, American voters have found out about Tulsi and are flocking to her events in numbers that are unprecedented by all Presidential candidates this early in the season with the sole exception of Bernie Sanders.
Those who are lucky enough to make it into the standing-room-only auditoriums find themselves thunderously applauding Tulsi's positions on the issues. Progressive Democrats, independents and even conservatives who oppose interventionist wars are calling Tulsi the best of the candidates running for the Presidency. Many 2016 Berniecrats, such as Niko House and Jimmy Dore, are now saying they prefer Tulsi because she will not back down on the issues important to real Americans. Backers of eight term Congressman Dennis Kucinich, who co-wrote the Medicare for All bill with John Conyers, are also rushing to Tulsi's events. Roger Waters of Pink Floyd and Ron Paul are also backing her, showing that her integrity has across the spectrum support. But shh. The MSM doesn't want you to know that. So forget we mentioned it. Besides, there are a couple of groups not backing her: the elite bankers and the war industry, both of which make money off the suffering of real people.
Those who are lucky enough to make it into the standing-room-only auditoriums find themselves thunderously applauding Tulsi's positions on the issues. Progressive Democrats, independents and even conservatives who oppose interventionist wars are calling Tulsi the best of the candidates running for the Presidency. Many 2016 Berniecrats, such as Niko House and Jimmy Dore, are now saying they prefer Tulsi because she will not back down on the issues important to real Americans. Backers of eight term Congressman Dennis Kucinich, who co-wrote the Medicare for All bill with John Conyers, are also rushing to Tulsi's events. Roger Waters of Pink Floyd and Ron Paul are also backing her, showing that her integrity has across the spectrum support. But shh. The MSM doesn't want you to know that. So forget we mentioned it. Besides, there are a couple of groups not backing her: the elite bankers and the war industry, both of which make money off the suffering of real people.

At a press conference prior to the Santa Monica event, Tusli called for the U.S. to keep its “Hands off Venezuela” and called the D.C. Venezuelan Embassy Protectors “Peace Warriors.” She expressed concern over our government’s mistreatment of the Embassy Protectors. She called out Trump over his attempt to start a war with Iran. On stage, in answer to a question about Iraq and Afghanistan, she unequivocally stated that, day one as President, she would start bringing the troops home. In other venues, she has spoken against the arrest of Julian Assange and has said that, after she becomes President, she will drop the charges against Assange and Edward Snowden.

Tulsi is the only candidate who is standing up against regime change wars and sanctions, which kill innocent people and kids in the countries being sanctioned. In Venezuela, the U.S. Government has reportedly killed 40,000 with sanctions , largely because U.S. has blocked life saving medicine from getting into that country. Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeline Albright stated that killing half a million children with sanctions was worth it. Tulsi disagrees. Others may mouth words but Tulsi is clear and unhindered in her opposition to war. This includes opposition to drone wars. She sponsored legislation to stop arming terrorists and has worked to end the war on Yemen and to bring the power to declare war back where it belongs, in the hands of Congress.

Ending homelessness in America is one of her priorities. She is the only candidate to have visited Skid Row in Los Angeles, talking with the homeless. Tulsi had declared that housing is a human right. With the money that will be saved by ending regime change wars, Tulsi will bring about Medicare for all, free college, and an end to the housing crisis in America.
The strongest environmentalist among the Presidential candidates, Tulsi will be turning America into a Green nation that uses safe energy as opposed to the environmentally damaging power sources that other candidates are pushing. She has seen the dangerous effects of nuclear power, which have contaminated America’s food and water supply and are threatening the lives of ordinary citizens and she will bring about an end to the threats posed by the active and inactive nuclear power plants in America.
The strongest environmentalist among the Presidential candidates, Tulsi will be turning America into a Green nation that uses safe energy as opposed to the environmentally damaging power sources that other candidates are pushing. She has seen the dangerous effects of nuclear power, which have contaminated America’s food and water supply and are threatening the lives of ordinary citizens and she will bring about an end to the threats posed by the active and inactive nuclear power plants in America.

The biggest threat facing America is the threat that only Tulsi is willing to address. This is the threat of nuclear war. Other candidates (with the exception of Tulsi Gabbard and Mike Gravel) rail against Russia to push America closer and closer to the edge of annihilation. What would you do if your children had moments to live? Is your child’s life worth your vote? In Hawaii in 2018, there was a false government-issued cell phone alert, informing residents that a missile was on the way. Tulsi pointed out that college students were running around looking for bomb shelters and a parent lowered his child into a manhole, hoping this was safe. Do you know where your local bomb shelter is? The other candidates, though bringing the human race closer to extinction, have no plans to protect Americans from the certain death that would result from war with Russia or China.

The momentum of the Gabbard campaign grows every day. The DNC wants to keep her out of the debate. They changed the debate rules after she qualified. Still, voters are hoping that Tulsi’s popularity will dwarf the establishment’s attempts to silence and hide this courageous candidate.
Before the Santa Monica event, Tulsi went outside and spoke to the hundreds of people who couldn’t get into the room. That number comes from one of the crowd who took the time to start counting people outside. He said he quit counting after 207.
Before the Santa Monica event, Tulsi went outside and spoke to the hundreds of people who couldn’t get into the room. That number comes from one of the crowd who took the time to start counting people outside. He said he quit counting after 207.

On Facebook, supporters are pledging “Tulsi, Bernie or Bust” as the establishment tries to push pro-war candidates and the mainstream media only poll people over 50 who support establishment candidates. The mainstream media polls do not include Tulsi’s name. This is called poll rigging.
To voters familiar with the candidates and their positions on the issues it is no surprise that Tulsi is filling auditoriums past capacity with would-be observers waiting to get in. Several people suggested that next time she comes to Los Angeles, she speak at the Hollywood Bowl.
Below is a video of Tulsi’s Press Conference and of her presentation in Santa Monica that brought the crowd to its feet.
To voters familiar with the candidates and their positions on the issues it is no surprise that Tulsi is filling auditoriums past capacity with would-be observers waiting to get in. Several people suggested that next time she comes to Los Angeles, she speak at the Hollywood Bowl.
Below is a video of Tulsi’s Press Conference and of her presentation in Santa Monica that brought the crowd to its feet.