"Hillary for Prison" Democratic Brigade
Takes Hollywood

July 17, 2016. Hollywood, CA. Democratic activists took to the streets across America, calling for the prosecution of Hillary Clinton. Believing that all people in the country should be subject to the Constitution and laws of the United States, progressives demanded that Hillary be held to account for her actions. The last thing any of these Democratic activists intend to do is vote for Hillary Clinton in the November election.
In Hollywood California the "Hillary for Prison" Democratic Brigade held a rally and march, which observed by thousands. Those passing by the rally and marchers took pictures and expressed agreement with those calling for Hillary's incarceration, not nomination.
In Hollywood California the "Hillary for Prison" Democratic Brigade held a rally and march, which observed by thousands. Those passing by the rally and marchers took pictures and expressed agreement with those calling for Hillary's incarceration, not nomination.

Those calling for Hillary's incarceration were not Republicans or right-wingers. They were progressive Democrats who supported Bernie Sanders. According to BBC/London Guardian Reporter and voter-fraud expert Greg Palast, who researched the uncounted millions of California ballots, Bernie Sanders won California. A Stanford study reveals that, nationwide, the election was stolen from Bernie Sanders through election fraud. According to exit polls and other evidence, it appears that Bernie Sanders won or would won the nationally by a landslide but for election fraud and rigging. People have not been fooled by the pro-Clinton media. The average American believes the Democratic nomination was rigged and feels insulted that the Democratic leaders think they can get away with pretending Clinton won the nomination. The U.S. Government has been known to intervene in rigged elections elsewhere in the world, but Barack Obama and the Democratic National Committee have endorsed the rigged Democratic race and are backing a candidate polls show most Americans want to see prosecuted.

Not trusting the Democratic Party, Democratic Progressives have a 'Plan B," called "Demexit." Already Democrats are starting to drop their Democratic registrations in an effort to depopulate the Democratic Party. Polls show that the vast majority of Sanders supporters (80 to 98%) will not back Hillary Clinton, regardless of Bernie's endorsement. Following his endorsement of Clinton, Sanders called his delegates to let them know that he had not conceded and was still a candidate for President. The general public believes the "endorsement" was the result of actual or implied threats and coercion. Since Hillary Clinton stands for virtually everything Bernie has campaigned against, his supporters are left with a choice of believing he either misled and betrayed all those who trusted him or was forced into endorsing Hillary, There are a number of unconfirmed rumors, based on information reportedly from high up in Bernie's campaign, that threats were made.
A growing number of Sanders supporters are lining up behind Green candidate Jill Stein, who is running on the same platform Bernie Sanders advocated. Jill is so sincere about supporting Bernie's platform that she has offered to step aside and turn the Green Presidential nomination over to Bernie Sanders. Though Bernie has not accepted Jill's invitation and may fear repercussions if he does, his top celebrity spokespersons have begun stumping with Jill. There is some speculation that, Bernie sent them to Jill as his "Plan B." Cornel West, whom Bernie placed on the Democratic Platform Committee has formally endorsed Jill Stein. Viggo Mortensen (Aragon, Lord of the Rings) has now also officially endorsed Jill Stein. And there are more. A look at Sanders Facebook groups reveals that most his groups have been flooded with posts promoting the Green Party and Jill Stein's candidacy. Sanders supporters are still planning to see the convention through in the hopes that the Democratic Party nominates Bernie Sanders. They cannot understand why the DNC would nominate Hillary Clinton, when the polls show Clinton will lose to Donald Trump. Clinton is the most hated candidate in history and Trump is the second most hated candidate in history. At the rally, there were prominent pictures of Bill and Hillary Clinton enjoying the company of Donald and Melania Trump.
A growing number of Sanders supporters are lining up behind Green candidate Jill Stein, who is running on the same platform Bernie Sanders advocated. Jill is so sincere about supporting Bernie's platform that she has offered to step aside and turn the Green Presidential nomination over to Bernie Sanders. Though Bernie has not accepted Jill's invitation and may fear repercussions if he does, his top celebrity spokespersons have begun stumping with Jill. There is some speculation that, Bernie sent them to Jill as his "Plan B." Cornel West, whom Bernie placed on the Democratic Platform Committee has formally endorsed Jill Stein. Viggo Mortensen (Aragon, Lord of the Rings) has now also officially endorsed Jill Stein. And there are more. A look at Sanders Facebook groups reveals that most his groups have been flooded with posts promoting the Green Party and Jill Stein's candidacy. Sanders supporters are still planning to see the convention through in the hopes that the Democratic Party nominates Bernie Sanders. They cannot understand why the DNC would nominate Hillary Clinton, when the polls show Clinton will lose to Donald Trump. Clinton is the most hated candidate in history and Trump is the second most hated candidate in history. At the rally, there were prominent pictures of Bill and Hillary Clinton enjoying the company of Donald and Melania Trump.

Some of the more popular chants at the rally were as follows:
"Who do we want? Hillary. Where do we want her? Prison."
"Hillary lied. Children died."
"This is what democracy looks like."
"Hillary for sale."
"No more fracking."
" Bernie or Bust," and "We don't need no super-pac. Bernie Sanders has our back."
"Who do we want? Hillary. Where do we want her? Prison."
"Hillary lied. Children died."
"This is what democracy looks like."
"Hillary for sale."
"No more fracking."
" Bernie or Bust," and "We don't need no super-pac. Bernie Sanders has our back."

Today's activists are better educated than those of the past. No longer are voters simply watching and believing TV propaganda, voting party line and trusting in party leaders. Those present knew about Hillary's Wall Street donations, her advocacy for Monsanto and child rapists, her role in the Honduran coup and her insistence on sending children back into harm's way in Honduras. Activists discussed the money Hillary had received from the Saudis, who are known for their mistreatment of women. Her promotion of fracking and her endangerment of the water supply were also a major concern for those present. It wasn't just some of those present who felt Hillary had engaged in criminal behavior. All the activists who showed up and most of the observers agreed that HIllary's behavior was criminal.
Following are some videos from the event.
Following are some videos from the event.