The Best of 2019

January 1, 2020. This is The Justice Gazette’s official list of the best of 2019. The list was voted on by news contributors, reporters, editors, photographers and videographers for this site.
Best in the U.S. Government in 2019: Tulsi Gabbard
This is Tulsi Gabbard, who has put forth the strongest environmental legislation proposed by anyone in Congress (the OFF Act) and bills to return to paper ballots, to stop all regime change wars and sanctions. She is the only Presidential candidate who has put forth anti-fracking legislation. (Fracking is allowed under the Green New Deal). Gabbard has stated that the sanctions against Venezuela need to end now. She has called out Saudi Arabia for its human rights violations and has called out the U.S. Government for its complicity in the military overthrow of the elected Government of Bolivia. She has taken a stand in support of the U.S. Constitution by calling for the pardoning of Edward Snowden, the dropping of charges against Julian Assange and the freeing of Chelsea Manning. She is also a co-sponsor of Medicare for All.
Best Presidential Candidate: Tulsi Gabbard
This would again be Tulsi Gabbard. The other Presidential candidates who hold public office have violated their oath by failing to stand up for the First Amendment and for Julian Assange. They refuse to stand by him as he is being tortured, possibly to death, for telling the truth. This is not just about Freedom of the Press. It is also a Freedom of Speech issue as Assange’s demise shows that the candidates (other than Tulsi) believe people have no right to tell the truth and should be punished for doing so. No other Democratic Presidential candidate has signed onto or is supporting anti-fracking and anti-nuclear legislation.
Best World Leader of 2019: Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Andrés Manuel López Obrador stood out as the frontrunner for Best World Leader. The decision was close though. Runners up included Nicolas Maduro, who has provided two-thirds of the citizens of his country with boxes of food and necessities twice a month to counter the inflation caused by capitalists controlling grocery stores and to assist the citizens of Venezuela in surviving the deadly sanctions that have killed 50,000 innocent people and children. Note that these deadly sanctions are supported by all Democratic Presidential candidates with the exception of Tulsi Gabbard. Maduro is a populist President, having received over 67% of the vote in his 2018 re-eleciton in the most verified election in the world to date. This is a margin of victory that no American President since George Washington has received. The other runner up was Evo Morales, who dramatically decreased the poverty rate in Bolivia and who was the winner of the 2019 Presidential election. Both Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders have spoken out in support of Morales. In South America, the objection to Morales and Maduro has been over their implementation of policies that Bernie Sanders is calling for in the USA.
In 2019, Obrador, not only worked to prove that he was the people’s President of Mexico but he took strong positions in support of democracy throughout Latin America. He would have become President of Mexico after the election of 2006 but for extreme irrigularities and election fraud. In 2018, he won a landslide victory for President, running on a platform similar to that of Bernie Sanders. Obrador has spoken out in support of the legitimate Maduro Government of Venezuela in spite of pressure from the USA. More importantly, it was Obrador who saved the lives of Evo Morales and a number of elected officials after the violent School of the Americas military Coup in Bolivia. Obrador arranged for a plane from Mexico to pick up Morales and other elected leaders before they could be killed like Salvador Allende was in the 9/11/73 U.S. created Chilian coup. Obrador's courage should serve as an example to all other leaders of the world. Additionally, Obrador has stood up against U.S. threats to send American troops to Mexico, showing he will put his people first and not back down to the might of the U.S. military industrial complex.
Best Comedy Show of 2019: Redacted Tonight
Redacted Tonight was the clear winner here. The show keeps the audience laughing as it provides accurate news coverage of major stories. Host Lee Camp is funnier than Stephen Colbert used to be when he was funny. Unlike Staphen Colbert and John Oliver, Lee Camp is free to present the truth about what is happening in the world without the risk they have of losing their million dollar jobs for telling the truth.
Honorable mention goes to Jimmy Dore who, though a little more serious than Lee Camp, is also very accurate in his comedic presentation of the news.
Best in News in 2019 The Grayzone
Taking print, cable, Internet and other news sites into account, the clear winner here is The Grayzone with Aaron Mate, Max Blumenthal, Ben Norton and Anya Parampil. These reporters go on location and interview informed sources and present just the facts and videos with no spin. Max Blumenthal was recently illegally arrested in D.C. for bringing humanitarian aid to human rights activists at the Venezuelan Embassy. Especially notable are The Grayzone’s reports on Venezuela, Bolivia, Syria, Impeachment and Russiagate.