Americans Unite for Freedom

February 25, 2022. Glenrio, New Mexcio. To a major sendoff in Adelanto, California, the People’s Convoy started across America to spread the message of freedom and to end the mandates that are eliminating freedom. At the kickoff rally, popular civil rights attorney Leigh Dundas, famous and respected medical doctors Pierre Kory and Paul Alexander of the Critical Care Alliance, Adelanto Mayor Gabriel Reyes, and truckers spoke of the lies and tyranny being perpetuated by the elites against the American people and the people around the world.
The members of The Justice Gazette team are from liberal or progressive backgrounds and The Justice Gazette has covered most progressive events in recent years in California.
However, truth and human rights are superior to any political ideology. Air traffic controllers from Los Angeles, who came to support the convoy, privately spoke to The Justice Gazette team of all those who had become ill or died from flying after being injected.
Following the kickoff, the convoy of hundreds took to the road with many progressives aboard. One of those progressives was Heidi, who has worked for years assisting the homeless in Orange County. The homeless have been badly harmed by the mandates. So have minorities such as Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans, who are mostly unvaccinated and prevented from having food and shelter in some cities.
The members of The Justice Gazette team are from liberal or progressive backgrounds and The Justice Gazette has covered most progressive events in recent years in California.
However, truth and human rights are superior to any political ideology. Air traffic controllers from Los Angeles, who came to support the convoy, privately spoke to The Justice Gazette team of all those who had become ill or died from flying after being injected.
Following the kickoff, the convoy of hundreds took to the road with many progressives aboard. One of those progressives was Heidi, who has worked for years assisting the homeless in Orange County. The homeless have been badly harmed by the mandates. So have minorities such as Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans, who are mostly unvaccinated and prevented from having food and shelter in some cities.

The first night, the Convoy drove to a pizza parlor in Golden Valley, near Kingman, Arizona. When the convoy arrived, the street was lined by cheering crowds.
In California, Arizona and New Mexico, the law enforcement agencies were helpful in watching that no harm came to the drivers and in directing the participants to the freeway entrances. From the start, it was clear this would be a law-abiding event and that there were no plans to enter D.C., itself. However, the rally will go to the vicinity of D.C. and to the East Coast, letting people around the country know they are not alone in questioning the mandates and the narratives surrounding a virus with a 99.9% chance of survival for those who catch it.
The first night, the travelers slept in a parking lot with security watching over them. The second night was at the side of a road. The convoy organizers had food available for those who needed it.
In California, Arizona and New Mexico, the law enforcement agencies were helpful in watching that no harm came to the drivers and in directing the participants to the freeway entrances. From the start, it was clear this would be a law-abiding event and that there were no plans to enter D.C., itself. However, the rally will go to the vicinity of D.C. and to the East Coast, letting people around the country know they are not alone in questioning the mandates and the narratives surrounding a virus with a 99.9% chance of survival for those who catch it.
The first night, the travelers slept in a parking lot with security watching over them. The second night was at the side of a road. The convoy organizers had food available for those who needed it.

Throughout the convoy, the travelers were surprised at all the people who lined the bridges and the sides of the snow-covered land, sometimes miles away from the nearest places to park their cars and often after traveling many miles just to get a glimpse of, wave to and cheer those they considered heroic messengers of freedom. On some bridges there were more than a hundred people. On others there were only a couple of people. Large groups and also lone supporters could be seen frequently along the side.

In Tucumcari, the Mayor authorized the convoy to come to town and park in the middle of Route 66 for an hour. The Mayor there, like the major in Adalanto, is a strong supporter of the convoy. People in Tecumcari seemed to have advance notice and they stood along the roadside and cheered. The drivers did not have advance notice. The general rule for drivers was to follow the convoy.
The third night, the Convoy stopped at Russell’s Travel Center in Glenrio, New Mexico. Again, people were waiting at the location and cheering their arrival. People in the convoy indicated they felt like celebrities with all the love they received from the public. So far, no opposition to the convoy has appeared. The reaction during the first three days has all been warm and unified support. If the nation is divided, it has not been apparent in the reception given to the convoy.
the nation is divided, it has not been apparent in the reception given to the convoy.
The Internet has been sparse. videos are being uploaded as Internet is available. To see videos filmed of the Convoy, check out The Justice Gazette's Bitchute pages at and
and From the Left's YouTube Pages at and
and From the Left's Bitchute Pages at and
The third night, the Convoy stopped at Russell’s Travel Center in Glenrio, New Mexico. Again, people were waiting at the location and cheering their arrival. People in the convoy indicated they felt like celebrities with all the love they received from the public. So far, no opposition to the convoy has appeared. The reaction during the first three days has all been warm and unified support. If the nation is divided, it has not been apparent in the reception given to the convoy.
the nation is divided, it has not been apparent in the reception given to the convoy.
The Internet has been sparse. videos are being uploaded as Internet is available. To see videos filmed of the Convoy, check out The Justice Gazette's Bitchute pages at and
and From the Left's YouTube Pages at and
and From the Left's Bitchute Pages at and