Why Bernie Will Landslide To Victory in California

Santa Ana, CA. February 21, 2020. Bernie Sanders continues to hold rallies in places most Democratic Presidential candidates fear to tread. He was the first and the second candidate to hold rallies in Coachella Valley. On minimal notice he held a rally in South Santa Ana and thousands of Orange County residents dropped other plans for the chance to see him. The enthusiastic crowd didn’t just cheer for joy at seeing Bernie. After the rally, a significant percentage of the audience agreed to help knock on doors and canvass for Bernie.

At Santa Ana Valley High School, prior to Bernie taking the stage, the audience area filled to capacity as thousands rushed to the last minute rally. Hundreds had to watch from overflow areas, eager to see the candidate who is likely to be the next President of the USA if the people have their say.
So far, it appears that Bernie will win the popular vote for the Democratic nomination. On Wednesday, Pete Buttigieg, Michael Bloomberg, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and Joe Biden (all billionaire-backed candidates) said they would not support the winner of popular vote at the convention. Instead they are expecting the super-delegates and the DNC to decide the nominee---even if that goes against the will of the people. Only Tulsi Gabbard has Bernie’s back and agrees with Bernie that the popular vote should determine the next Democratic Presidential nominee.
So far, it appears that Bernie will win the popular vote for the Democratic nomination. On Wednesday, Pete Buttigieg, Michael Bloomberg, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and Joe Biden (all billionaire-backed candidates) said they would not support the winner of popular vote at the convention. Instead they are expecting the super-delegates and the DNC to decide the nominee---even if that goes against the will of the people. Only Tulsi Gabbard has Bernie’s back and agrees with Bernie that the popular vote should determine the next Democratic Presidential nominee.

Prior to the rally, Bernie held a press conference to discuss the NPP (No Party Preference) voters. In Orange County, all NPP voters are being mailed ballots without the Presidential candidate section. To vote in the Presidential race, they need to return their NPP ballots and specifically ask for “Democratic cross-over” ballots. No ID is required under California law.
The Orange County Registrar has said that, if voters have not received their ballots in the mail, they simply need to fill out a form stating that the ballot was not received. Unless the Registrar of Voters’ records show the mailed ballot was voted, the voter will receive a regular ballot. However, people are being advised to make sure their signature matches that on their original voter registration. They can have the Registrar check and re-sign if it does not match.
The Orange County Registrar has said that, if voters have not received their ballots in the mail, they simply need to fill out a form stating that the ballot was not received. Unless the Registrar of Voters’ records show the mailed ballot was voted, the voter will receive a regular ballot. However, people are being advised to make sure their signature matches that on their original voter registration. They can have the Registrar check and re-sign if it does not match.

In Los Angeles County, the problems are more serious. The Convo Couch previously interviewed a Los Angeles County poll worker who spoke of improper instructions given to poll workers in Los Angeles.
At the press conference, Bernie’s California Director Rafael Návar took questions from the audience. Only The Justice Gazette and The Convo Couch asked questions. Both news services were concerned about voters’ rights and well-documented problems with Los Angeles County’s voting system. Návar said the campaign would have a legal team and a hotline that voters could call if there were problems. Návar checked to see if other reporters had questions. None did. The other members of the press who were present seemed uninterested in concerns about voter integrity.
At the press conference, Bernie’s California Director Rafael Návar took questions from the audience. Only The Justice Gazette and The Convo Couch asked questions. Both news services were concerned about voters’ rights and well-documented problems with Los Angeles County’s voting system. Návar said the campaign would have a legal team and a hotline that voters could call if there were problems. Návar checked to see if other reporters had questions. None did. The other members of the press who were present seemed uninterested in concerns about voter integrity.

In the past, Orange County has been considered a dead zone for Democrats. Thanks to the increase in Democratic registration brought on by the Sanders campaign, the Democrats now outnumber the Republicans in Orange County by over 22,000 voters. However, the Democratic Party of Orange County has a history of covertly supporting Establishment Democrats in the primaries while under-cutting progressives—even to the point of financing Republicans under the table in the general election. One of the most prominent Democrats in the Orange County and California Democratic Party openly endorsed one of the more right-wing Republicans in Congress over Democrats running for that seat. In Los Angeles County, back in 2002, thousands of uncounted votes were put into storage. Though the Democrats control California, vote counts in certain races were visibly flipped in 2018 and a million and a half presumably Bernie votes were not counted in 2016. These oddities have resulted in many Bernie supporters having serious doubts about the integrity of California’s voting system.
The handling of the press and the audience at Bernie Sanders events has improved in recent months. Lisa Gerlach, who was in charge of the press for the Santa Ana event, was very respectful and even-handed in her support for the various news services who came to photograph and record the rally and press conference. The press and the audience at the Rancho Mirage event in December were also shown considerable and professional respect and courtesy. Good media relations with the independent media is always important overcoming corporate media bias. It has been very obvious that the mainstream corporate media has been extremely biased against Bernie Sanders.
More delegates are at stake in California than in any other race. Bernie has a double digit lead in the Golden State. But for Bernie to win the nomination, the people will have to let the DNC know that not any blue will do – only the people’s choice will rally the voters towards a November Democratic victory.
Following are videos of Bernie's press conference, questions from the press and Bernie's speech at his Santa Ana Rally
The handling of the press and the audience at Bernie Sanders events has improved in recent months. Lisa Gerlach, who was in charge of the press for the Santa Ana event, was very respectful and even-handed in her support for the various news services who came to photograph and record the rally and press conference. The press and the audience at the Rancho Mirage event in December were also shown considerable and professional respect and courtesy. Good media relations with the independent media is always important overcoming corporate media bias. It has been very obvious that the mainstream corporate media has been extremely biased against Bernie Sanders.
More delegates are at stake in California than in any other race. Bernie has a double digit lead in the Golden State. But for Bernie to win the nomination, the people will have to let the DNC know that not any blue will do – only the people’s choice will rally the voters towards a November Democratic victory.
Following are videos of Bernie's press conference, questions from the press and Bernie's speech at his Santa Ana Rally