Setting the Record Straight in California's 46th Congressional Race

May 14, 2016. Orange County, CA. Loretta Sanchez's decision to run for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Barbara Boxer's retirement created an opening for Orange County's only Democratic Congressional seat. In response, a flood of candidates has jumped into the ring. Leading in the polls is former State Senator and former Orange County Supervisor Lou Correa, followed by Garden Grove Mayor Bao Nguyen. Trailing towards the back of the pack is former State Senator Joe Dunn.
The district in question, California's 46th CD, is largely a district of immigrants and children and grandchildren of immigrants. The largest ethnic groups are of Latino and Vietnamese descent, both of which are very concerned about the issue of immigration and social justice. In this regard, Lou Correa has a very strong record and is primarily running on the immigration issue. He has been able to mobilize the Latino community in the district in large part because of his progressive stances to protect the rights of immigrants. This is especially important in a year when immigrants are under attack from Presidential candidate rhetoric and from racists within various police departments.. Bao Ngyen, an immigrant from Vietnam is also very concerned with this issue and shares much of Correa's progressive goal of bringing the community together and protecting the rights of all the residents.. Correa has the advantage of a long track record on this issue. Though newer to politics, Nguyen has also motivated, mobilized and woken up voters on this and other issues and will likely be a powerful force in future elections. A major advantage Correa has over Nguyen is a lengthy track record Correa can cite to show he will not knuckle under to pressure.
Lou Correa's popularity comes from his long history of supporting and listening to his constituents. Correa is especially strong on women's rights issues, having a 100% pro-choice record. In recent years, he has worked with women concerned about human trafficking, He has reviewed evidence of a serious problem in Southern California and has made an effort to assist in fixing the problem. One of these groups was organized by human rights activist Malinda Sherwyn, who has spent years in trying to help women get back children who have been trafficked, often overseas. These same groups tried to arrange a meeting with Joe Dunn, who was too busy to speak to women concerned about this issue. Joe Dunn was also too busy to meet with women concerned about being ripped off by institutions promising them higher degrees for career advancement while grabbing their education money and not providing the degrees. In contrast, Correa has worked with constituents to try to correct the problem. Despite Correa's stronger record in support of women's issues, Joe Dunn's campaign seized upon Correa's preference that medical high risk operations on women be performed by doctors instead of nurses and used that preference to falsely claim that Correa was anti-woman. The trouble with that claim is that it simply isn't rue and appears to be a desperate move by a losing candidate to smear an opponent.
The smears against Correa don't end with a false accusations about his pro-choice record. Lou is a strong environmentalist, supporting alternative forms of energy to dangerous and polluting ones. He saw the need to close San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station long before the evidence came to light about the serious risk of harm the plant posed to the public. Correa expressed a desire to connect wind power devices to the grid so as to decrease the use of dangerous and polluting fuel sources. Oddly, with no evidence to back up the claim, Dunn sent out flyers attempting to tie Correa to fracking and to the Flint water crisis. The claim simply does not portray Correa's record in an honest and credible light.
While in the California State Senate, Lou Correa also stood against a Democratically-engineered bill that could have resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of dogs in California. One special interest with the highest dog-killing rate in the country has seemingly bought off the loyalty of much of the Democratic establishment. When dog owners in district contacted him and expressed their concerns, Correa jumped into action, defeating the dangerous legislation and saving the state's canine population from a devastating fate. This and other courageous positions earned Correa State Legislator of the Year Awards from the Patrick Henry Democratic Club of America.
Joe Dunn has routinely enjoyed the support of the Democratic establishment while Correa has had to put together grassroots efforts for each campaign he has won. Correa has shown that grass roots can overcome establishment candidates and he has shown that, once in office, he will stand up against the establishment when it is in the wrong. Whether or not you agree with Correa, he will tell you where he stands on every issues. Bao Nguyen also appears to be honest and genuine, like Correa. Bao Nguyen has endorsed Bernie Sanders for President and affirmed his support for Sanders's populist platform. Dunn is often extremely secretive about his positions, such as his support for the death penalty.
Though polls show that Correa is the popular choice to replace Loretta Sanchez in the 46th, Nguyen is expected to be a rising star in politics as well. Redistricting is not far off and California is likely to gain an additional Congressional seat in the area of the 46th after that redistricting, giving the residents two members of Congress. The likely result would be that both Correa and Nguyen could wind up in Congress in the not-so-distant future, both fighting the battles that constituents need fought on their behalf.
The district in question, California's 46th CD, is largely a district of immigrants and children and grandchildren of immigrants. The largest ethnic groups are of Latino and Vietnamese descent, both of which are very concerned about the issue of immigration and social justice. In this regard, Lou Correa has a very strong record and is primarily running on the immigration issue. He has been able to mobilize the Latino community in the district in large part because of his progressive stances to protect the rights of immigrants. This is especially important in a year when immigrants are under attack from Presidential candidate rhetoric and from racists within various police departments.. Bao Ngyen, an immigrant from Vietnam is also very concerned with this issue and shares much of Correa's progressive goal of bringing the community together and protecting the rights of all the residents.. Correa has the advantage of a long track record on this issue. Though newer to politics, Nguyen has also motivated, mobilized and woken up voters on this and other issues and will likely be a powerful force in future elections. A major advantage Correa has over Nguyen is a lengthy track record Correa can cite to show he will not knuckle under to pressure.
Lou Correa's popularity comes from his long history of supporting and listening to his constituents. Correa is especially strong on women's rights issues, having a 100% pro-choice record. In recent years, he has worked with women concerned about human trafficking, He has reviewed evidence of a serious problem in Southern California and has made an effort to assist in fixing the problem. One of these groups was organized by human rights activist Malinda Sherwyn, who has spent years in trying to help women get back children who have been trafficked, often overseas. These same groups tried to arrange a meeting with Joe Dunn, who was too busy to speak to women concerned about this issue. Joe Dunn was also too busy to meet with women concerned about being ripped off by institutions promising them higher degrees for career advancement while grabbing their education money and not providing the degrees. In contrast, Correa has worked with constituents to try to correct the problem. Despite Correa's stronger record in support of women's issues, Joe Dunn's campaign seized upon Correa's preference that medical high risk operations on women be performed by doctors instead of nurses and used that preference to falsely claim that Correa was anti-woman. The trouble with that claim is that it simply isn't rue and appears to be a desperate move by a losing candidate to smear an opponent.
The smears against Correa don't end with a false accusations about his pro-choice record. Lou is a strong environmentalist, supporting alternative forms of energy to dangerous and polluting ones. He saw the need to close San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station long before the evidence came to light about the serious risk of harm the plant posed to the public. Correa expressed a desire to connect wind power devices to the grid so as to decrease the use of dangerous and polluting fuel sources. Oddly, with no evidence to back up the claim, Dunn sent out flyers attempting to tie Correa to fracking and to the Flint water crisis. The claim simply does not portray Correa's record in an honest and credible light.
While in the California State Senate, Lou Correa also stood against a Democratically-engineered bill that could have resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of dogs in California. One special interest with the highest dog-killing rate in the country has seemingly bought off the loyalty of much of the Democratic establishment. When dog owners in district contacted him and expressed their concerns, Correa jumped into action, defeating the dangerous legislation and saving the state's canine population from a devastating fate. This and other courageous positions earned Correa State Legislator of the Year Awards from the Patrick Henry Democratic Club of America.
Joe Dunn has routinely enjoyed the support of the Democratic establishment while Correa has had to put together grassroots efforts for each campaign he has won. Correa has shown that grass roots can overcome establishment candidates and he has shown that, once in office, he will stand up against the establishment when it is in the wrong. Whether or not you agree with Correa, he will tell you where he stands on every issues. Bao Nguyen also appears to be honest and genuine, like Correa. Bao Nguyen has endorsed Bernie Sanders for President and affirmed his support for Sanders's populist platform. Dunn is often extremely secretive about his positions, such as his support for the death penalty.
Though polls show that Correa is the popular choice to replace Loretta Sanchez in the 46th, Nguyen is expected to be a rising star in politics as well. Redistricting is not far off and California is likely to gain an additional Congressional seat in the area of the 46th after that redistricting, giving the residents two members of Congress. The likely result would be that both Correa and Nguyen could wind up in Congress in the not-so-distant future, both fighting the battles that constituents need fought on their behalf.