Bernie's Audience in Middle of Desert Dwarfs Those of Clinton's and Trump's Big City Crowds

May 25, 2016. Cathedral City, CA. On May 25, 2016, Bernie Sanders became the first Presidential candidate in over half a century to speak in Coachella Valley. Longtime residents stated that Bernie’s rally in Cathedral City was the largest rally ever in the history of the Coachella Valley. Excited residents began waiting in line at 2:20 A.M. for the almost completely unpublicized last minute noon rally.
Cathedral City is in the California desert, far away from California's large populated centers. The rally was held in the heat of the day at noon, while most residents had to work or attend school. Many ditched school and work for a chance to see the most popular Presidential candidate of the 21st Century at the Big League Dreams baseball and soccer fields. The official crowd count was 4,120.
Cathedral City is in the California desert, far away from California's large populated centers. The rally was held in the heat of the day at noon, while most residents had to work or attend school. Many ditched school and work for a chance to see the most popular Presidential candidate of the 21st Century at the Big League Dreams baseball and soccer fields. The official crowd count was 4,120.

.In contrast, in busy, populous Buena Park relatively close to the Los Angeles County line in northern Orange County, Hillary Clinton spoke to a crowd of no more than 500 people, less than an eighth of the number of people attending Bernie's rally. Her event was widely publicized and the Democratic Party sent emails strongly encouraging Democrats to attend the event. While Bernie’s crowd was exited and enthusiastic, Hillary’s crowd was more subdued, many not happy with Clinton but preferring her to Donald Trump, and some in her audience saying they would never vote for her, even to stop Trump.
In Anaheim, a few miles from Clinton’s rally, Donald Trump drew in two to three thousand people, several of whom were protesters. There were nine arrests. It is believed that the trouble at his rally was largely caused by Clinton supporters, who have been seen as going over the top in their mistreatment of supporters of other candidates.
In other words, while out in the middle of the desert in an area where cactus plants were more populous than people, Bernie Sanders pulled in more human spectators than both Clinton and Trump combined while both Trump and Clinton had millions of Los Angeles and Orange County residents to draw from.
In Anaheim, a few miles from Clinton’s rally, Donald Trump drew in two to three thousand people, several of whom were protesters. There were nine arrests. It is believed that the trouble at his rally was largely caused by Clinton supporters, who have been seen as going over the top in their mistreatment of supporters of other candidates.
In other words, while out in the middle of the desert in an area where cactus plants were more populous than people, Bernie Sanders pulled in more human spectators than both Clinton and Trump combined while both Trump and Clinton had millions of Los Angeles and Orange County residents to draw from.

Bernie Sanders was introduced by 29 Palms school board member and mother of five Karalee Hargrove, who enthusiastically spoke how important it was to mothers and children to elect Sanders. Bernie Sanders is the only 2016 Presidential candidate from the two major parties to prioritize education and health care. Also speaking at the rally was Greg Pettis, Mayor Pro Tem of Cathedral City. Steven A. Hernandez, Mayor of Coachella and a supporter of Bernie’s, was also present at the event. A popular new band from Coachella Valley, the Hive Minds, performed to the exited crowd.

Bernie's speech was a hit with the crowd. The audience burst into applause after applause. Bernie touched on issues from protection of rights of immigrants to ending mass incarceration to eliminating student debt to demilitarizing the police to restoring American jobs to making sure that every American had a quality health care as a right and to reigning in the high cost of prescription drugs. Other themes involved equal pay for women and protection of immigrants and minorities, including Latinos, African Americans and Native Americans.

One local reporter at the event spoke of two Coachella Valleys. One involved the workers who were barely able to make do and the other involved the richest people in America who have very large vacation homes in Coachella. Barack Obama regularly comes there to play golf and is reportedly considering buying a vacation home in Coachella.
Though the crowd attending the Sanders rally was positive, enthusiastic and mostly “Bernie or Bust” in contrast to the less positive crowds at the Clinton and Trump rallies, observers noticed what seemed like a heightened frenzy among the Secret Service at the event. Though the staff would have preferred to have followed the tradition of allowing supporters to sit behind Sanders as he spoke, for the first time, the Secret Service vetoed the idea for security reasons. When Sanders walked up to the barriers to greet the crowd, more secret service than usual rushed in behind and beside him. Sanders, himself, seemed relaxed and unconcered. Therefore it is not known if the security is simply increasing as the likelhood he could become President increases or because of some other factor. The crowd was pro-Sanders and very positive and were screened upon entering the field.
A couple of people questioned whether Clinton, whose campaign has regularly broken multiple laws without consequences, was the reason for the seemingly heightened security. Prior to the June, 2008, primary, Clinton made a statement implying that Obama might be assassinated like Robert Kennedy. Some, noting that Clinton has the deaths of more than a million children under her foreign policy credentials, commented that human life does not appear to have much value to Hillary Clinton. Regardless of what may have been wild speculation, attendees and volunteers were glad that the Secret Service is taking precautions to keep Sanders safe as people and kids from all backgrounds strongly believe that a Sanders Presidency is critical to the future of the country and the world. Nobody at the rally minded the increased protection for the crowd's hero.
Though the crowd attending the Sanders rally was positive, enthusiastic and mostly “Bernie or Bust” in contrast to the less positive crowds at the Clinton and Trump rallies, observers noticed what seemed like a heightened frenzy among the Secret Service at the event. Though the staff would have preferred to have followed the tradition of allowing supporters to sit behind Sanders as he spoke, for the first time, the Secret Service vetoed the idea for security reasons. When Sanders walked up to the barriers to greet the crowd, more secret service than usual rushed in behind and beside him. Sanders, himself, seemed relaxed and unconcered. Therefore it is not known if the security is simply increasing as the likelhood he could become President increases or because of some other factor. The crowd was pro-Sanders and very positive and were screened upon entering the field.
A couple of people questioned whether Clinton, whose campaign has regularly broken multiple laws without consequences, was the reason for the seemingly heightened security. Prior to the June, 2008, primary, Clinton made a statement implying that Obama might be assassinated like Robert Kennedy. Some, noting that Clinton has the deaths of more than a million children under her foreign policy credentials, commented that human life does not appear to have much value to Hillary Clinton. Regardless of what may have been wild speculation, attendees and volunteers were glad that the Secret Service is taking precautions to keep Sanders safe as people and kids from all backgrounds strongly believe that a Sanders Presidency is critical to the future of the country and the world. Nobody at the rally minded the increased protection for the crowd's hero.

Ariana, Lanie and Crystal, pictured to the right, waited in line from 2:20 A.M. They had heard about people camping out over night in Riverside to see Bernie and they wanted to make sure they got places up close to their favorite candidate. All three are "Bernie or Bust." Though Sanders has had as many as three speaking engagements a day in Southern California in the last week, his popularity is so high that his events have been packed, with long lines of people and kids waiting for hours for a chance to see him. As noted by the three girls, some have even camped out to see him.

More than a block away from the event, a store clerk stated that this was the first time any event at Big League Dreams had been loud enough for her to hear the rally and the cheers of the crowd. She noted that her son, who is with LULAC, went to Washington state to campaign for Bernie.
People in the audience had a message for California's Secretary of State Alex Padilla. They will be watching the election results closely. They have no doubt that, if the election is fair and accurate, Sanders will win. People are prepared to challenge and question anything inconsistent with a clear Sanders victory.
(Personal note from the writer: May 25th was my birthday and I had a choice of traveling a short distance to see a Democratic Presidential candidate who doesn’t seem to care at all about human rights or a much longer distance to see a Democratic Presidential candidate who really cares about the people. Having the opportunity to cover the Sanders rally in Cathedral City was a wonderful and memorable birthday present and well worth the drive.)
People in the audience had a message for California's Secretary of State Alex Padilla. They will be watching the election results closely. They have no doubt that, if the election is fair and accurate, Sanders will win. People are prepared to challenge and question anything inconsistent with a clear Sanders victory.
(Personal note from the writer: May 25th was my birthday and I had a choice of traveling a short distance to see a Democratic Presidential candidate who doesn’t seem to care at all about human rights or a much longer distance to see a Democratic Presidential candidate who really cares about the people. Having the opportunity to cover the Sanders rally in Cathedral City was a wonderful and memorable birthday present and well worth the drive.)