Replacing Elections with Democracy at Gunpoint: The School of the America’s Bolivian Coup

Los Angeles, CA. 11/11/2019. On September 11, 1973, Augusto Pinochet with the support of the U.S. Military, violently took over Chile, murdering the elected President Salvador Allende and thousands of civilians, including Americans. It was later learned that this was the handy work of Henry Kissinger, acting on behalf of the Richard Nixon Administration. General Pinochet knew he could not defeat Allende democratically.
On 11/10/19, U.S. backed and trained military generals deposed popular Bolivian President Evo Morales, who on threat of death to himself, his supporters and other elected officials resigned. The military officers involved in the coup reportedly received fifty thousand dollars each from U.S. tax dollars. The terrorist opposition to Morales knew it could not win. Morales’s opponent was defeated by over ten percent in the latest recent election. Evo Morales has the support of the indigenous people of Bolvia and of the bulk of the population as he has taken them from poverty and starvation to prosperity by stopping the U.S. corporations from looting the country’s resources and using them for the benefit of the people.
Morales would have likely met Pinochet’s fate (death) but for the courage of Mexico’s President Andreas Manuel Lopez Obrador, who sent a plane to fly Morales and other democratically elected Bolivian officials to Mexico. Nations controlled by the USA refused to allow Obrador’s plane to refuel in their countries and so the democratically elected leaders of Bolivia had to be flown to safety in Mexico by a round-about route. The coup leaders have sent death squads after them and they are still in danger. This is how the U.S. Government rewards democratically elected leaders---with death.
On 11/10/19, U.S. backed and trained military generals deposed popular Bolivian President Evo Morales, who on threat of death to himself, his supporters and other elected officials resigned. The military officers involved in the coup reportedly received fifty thousand dollars each from U.S. tax dollars. The terrorist opposition to Morales knew it could not win. Morales’s opponent was defeated by over ten percent in the latest recent election. Evo Morales has the support of the indigenous people of Bolvia and of the bulk of the population as he has taken them from poverty and starvation to prosperity by stopping the U.S. corporations from looting the country’s resources and using them for the benefit of the people.
Morales would have likely met Pinochet’s fate (death) but for the courage of Mexico’s President Andreas Manuel Lopez Obrador, who sent a plane to fly Morales and other democratically elected Bolivian officials to Mexico. Nations controlled by the USA refused to allow Obrador’s plane to refuel in their countries and so the democratically elected leaders of Bolivia had to be flown to safety in Mexico by a round-about route. The coup leaders have sent death squads after them and they are still in danger. This is how the U.S. Government rewards democratically elected leaders---with death.

Bolivia has one of the most verified and cleanest election systems in the world. The U.S. is joined by the O.A.S.(Organization of American States), primarily- funded by the U.S. Government and having as its primary focus the installation of corporate control over Latin American Governments, in supporting the violent overthrow of democracies in Latin America. The only part of the last Presidential vote disputed by the opposition is not Maduro’s victory but how large his victory was. Unbiased international monitors verified and re-verified the accuracy of the vote. Maduro offered to conduct a new election if it would stop the terrorist attacks on innocent people by the opposition. By terrorism, we are talking about the opposition kidnapping and threatening to kill the families of elected of officials and other indigenous leaders, pulling people out of houses and threatening to burn them to death, and actually torching people and houses of those supporting democratic socialism. This is what the supporters of the coup support. Bolivia has no more socialism than that proposed by Bernie Sanders but it is too much socialism for the U.S. elites to let survive. Do you really think the Establishment will allow Bernie Sanders or Tulsi Gabbard to be elected President? Americans already know American elections, particularly DNC primaries, are rigged by the power elite. The difference between Morales and Sanders is that Morales has done what Bernie has promised.

U.S. backed military take-overs are the antithesis to democracy. Nobody can pretend to support free and fair elections and support the coup that happened in Bolivia. Nobody can claim to oppose gun violence or touching and kidnapping of people and torching of their houses while supporting the coup. Anyone supporting the coup is an opponent of democracy. Unlike the corruption of Joe Biden and his son, this coup is an impeachable offense that the House and Senate are likely to ignore along with other impeachable offenses.
On Veterans Day, U.S. veterans and others came to cities across the United States to protest our government’s overthrow of democracy in Bolivia. Below are a couple of videos taken while preparations were underway for the Los Angeles rally in support of Evo Morales. These photos and videos were taken prior to the arrival of the large pro-Morales crowd that spread along Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles.

That same evening, Tulsi Gabbard spoke in Los Angeles, CA, to a packed audience. Discussions with Gabbard supporters present at the event showed that the crowd was almost unanimous in its strong support for Evo Morales and opposition to the coup. Interestingly, when asked about the coup, an ABC photographer and ABC reporter at the Tulsi event said they had no knowledge whatsoever of what was happening in Bolivia. Another reporter asking them about Bolivia was among those at the Tulsi event harassed and intimated by one of ABC’s photographers. ABC is where some people get their news. However, the bias and lack of knowledge of those repeating propaganda for ABC is a good reason to boycott that network.
There are much better sources of information than the ever-biased corporate media, such as The Grayzone, The Jimmy Dore Show, The MCSC Network with Niko House, The Convo Couch, Popular Resisistance, The Last American Vagabond, Gordon Dimmack, Watching the Hawks, Redacted Tonight, Lee Camp 2,Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox and Greg Palast.'s website.
Below are a preview of Missing, a very accurate docudrama about Pinochet’s military coup in Chile and some of the best videos about the current violent coup that can be watched currently on the Internet. The videos selected were placed on YouTube by The Grayzone and Niko House of MCSC.
There are much better sources of information than the ever-biased corporate media, such as The Grayzone, The Jimmy Dore Show, The MCSC Network with Niko House, The Convo Couch, Popular Resisistance, The Last American Vagabond, Gordon Dimmack, Watching the Hawks, Redacted Tonight, Lee Camp 2,Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox and Greg Palast.'s website.
Below are a preview of Missing, a very accurate docudrama about Pinochet’s military coup in Chile and some of the best videos about the current violent coup that can be watched currently on the Internet. The videos selected were placed on YouTube by The Grayzone and Niko House of MCSC.