The Bernie and Tulsi Show AKA the 2019 California Democratic Convention

June 2, 2019. Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders took the California Democratic Convention by storm, becoming the center of attraction for most delegates. For most of the delegates, it was as if the rest of the convention was in the shadow.

The Chairman’s Reception was abuzz with delegates reviewing Tulsi flyers. A surprising percentage of candidates said their preference was Tulsi. Bernie was the other favorite. Surprisingly, often supporters of other candidates said that Tulsi was better on the issues than their candidates. When asked why they liked Tulsi, a common answer was that she was the best on the positions that matter the most. They cited these important positions as ending the wars, dropping charges against Julian Assange, and bringing the money saved from stopping the wars home for education, health care, housing and the needs of the American people. A group of her supporters stood on the corner near the Moscone Center Friday night, holding signs to let delegates know their choice for President.
Bernie was met by supporters as he swept through the caucuses, giving speeches. At most caucuses, the rooms had to be closed after his arrival (fire regulations) due to the number of people who crowded in to see him. Polls of people over age of 50 claim Biden is tied with Sanders but nobody interviewed at the Convention believed those polls or that Biden has much support outside of Wall Street executives.
Bernie was met by supporters as he swept through the caucuses, giving speeches. At most caucuses, the rooms had to be closed after his arrival (fire regulations) due to the number of people who crowded in to see him. Polls of people over age of 50 claim Biden is tied with Sanders but nobody interviewed at the Convention believed those polls or that Biden has much support outside of Wall Street executives.

Saturday, Tulsi was greeted by a crowd of cheering supporters as she arrived. Among these was Niko House, the popular host of Mi Casa Es Su Casa. At the convention, Tulsi spoke and won over the delegates in spite of hanky-panky seemingly being played with the sound-mixing. People in the press area noticed and commented that the volume to the back half of the room was lowered dramatically when Tulsi spoke and then increased to normal after her speech ended. She appeared to receive the loudest cheers of the candidates. Almost every position she expressed brought a new round of cheers.

Tulsi is an active duty major. She has deployed twice to the Middle East and has seen the cost of war first-hand. She pointed out that warmongers of both parties, “Neolibs and Neocons,” have been dragging us into regime change war after regime change war. She spoke of how the bi-partisan warmongers are taking us closer to the brink of nuclear catastrophe. She will work to end the new cold war and new arms race and lead us away from a nuclear war that would destroy us in minutes. She will take the trillions of dollars that will be wasted on these unnecessary and costly wars and use it for quality, Medicare for All, college for all, truly affordable housing, rebuilding our infrastructure. Her foreign policy will be based on cooperation, not conflict. Delegates often jumped to their feet during her presentation but especially when she asked the delegates to stand up against the forces of greed, corruption and war.

Most of the other candidates focused on Trump pushed Russiagate or tried to elevate themselves. In contrast, Tulsi focused on issue of real importance to people. Tulsi is the one candidate with a 100% voting record on LBGTQ issues. She is the only one of the candidates who risked her life in service with her LBGTQ brothers and sisters. Tulsi will be the first active duty female President and the youngest President if elected in 2020. Following the Saturday afternoon events, delegates rushed to a meet and greet for Tulsi at a nearby coffee shop. Many didn't get back to vote in the chairman's election until late, prolonging the election.

Both Tulsi and Bernie spoke at the Veterans' Caucus on Saturday night. Bernie was accompanied by Ro Khanna and Cornel West. Cornel West expressed his opinion that Tulsi was best on foreign policy and said Tulsi needed to be on the ticket. (Some of Bernie’s top 2016 supporters, such as Niko House and Jimmy Dore, are currently backing Tulsi first and Bernie second.) Bernie has been very supportive of veterans and veterans rights and was given four minutes for a presentation in spite of not giving notice in advance that he would be there.

Tulsi, who was on the schedule, was given twenty minutes. The crowd of veterans chanted opposition to war. The sentiment that was echoed by speakers was that it is not pro-military to bring troops back in body bags or to be homeless. This is a position that Tulsi has been speaking about and has addressed. The government is using the military to fight its oil wars but does not come through when the veterans need the government. Tulsi has introduced bills in support of veterans’ rights and is firmly against sending Americans off to any more regime-change wars. She also opposes using sanctions and drones to take down governments our leaders don't like.

Sunday, Bernie was the star of the show. The Democrats didn’t have to worry about a quorum with Bernie speaking. The house was packed, which is unusual for a Sunday at a Democratic Convention. Bernie was Bernie, talking about issues that mattered to the people. To anyone who has seen the size of events for the respective candidates, it is clear that Bernie is the current front-runner for the Presidency. Bernie focused on domestic issues, Medicare for all, free education and other needs of the American people.
Former Congressman John Delaney of Maryland found that the crowd was not going to support anyone opposing Medicare for All. As the crowd booed Delaney, he tried to redeem himself. He was claiming to support universal health care while opposing Medicare for All. He spoke as if fewer people would be covered by Medicare for all, something that didn’t make any sense to the delegates who continued booing. Former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper also discovered that attacking socialism and Medicare for all was a losing cause with a California crowd.
Former Congressman John Delaney of Maryland found that the crowd was not going to support anyone opposing Medicare for All. As the crowd booed Delaney, he tried to redeem himself. He was claiming to support universal health care while opposing Medicare for All. He spoke as if fewer people would be covered by Medicare for all, something that didn’t make any sense to the delegates who continued booing. Former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper also discovered that attacking socialism and Medicare for all was a losing cause with a California crowd.

Joe Biden was a no show, claiming he had an LGBTQ dinner that was more important than attending any part of the weekend. Acting Chairman Alex Gallardo-Rocker delivered Biden’s message. Delegates laughed at the excuse and most interviewed said they didn’t buy it. The general reaction was Joe was afraid to show his face at a convention that had progressives. Someone placed this pictured flyer on the desks and chairs in the convention hall.

Two additional speeches that are worth noting were those of Governor Gavin Newsom, who found that the delegates strongly supported his decision to suspend California’s death penalty. His concerns about the innocent people on death row were shared by the crowd.
California Democratic Party Vice Chairman Daraka Larimore-Hall, who frequently provides the most honest speeches at the convention, told delegates to stop re-litigating 2016 and 2017. This appeared to be a request to get over the loss of 2016 and move on.
Over the weekend, Rusty Hicks was elected Chairman. He was strongly supported by party insiders and by labor leaders, who obtained a record number of proxies that were used to give Hicks the victory. The delegates were expecting a run-off but Hicks won outright with 57% of the vote.
Among those who were included on the list of newlyideceased supporters of the Democratic Party were Jeff Adachi (San Francisco Public Defender), Blaze Bonpane (founder and head of the Office of the Americas, see our article on his passing) and Stan Lee (creator of Marvel Comics).
While at the Convention, the Justice Gazette’s van was broken into and equipment was stolen. The most troubling part was loss of some of the discs containing the best of the photos and videos. The good news is that the Justice Gazette had some back-up cameras and video recorders and so everything wasn't lost.
On the video below of Tulsi's convention speech, note the apparent sound rigging at the back of the room where the press stands were located. At the front of the hall, her speech was as loud as any. At the back and sides, the volume was turned down. A group of people walked in and created a lot of background noise while she was speaking. There was some question as to whether they were delegates. The background noise and lower volume in the back only occurred during Tulsi's speech, making many believe this was intentional. In 2016, the microphones were turned way down on a candidate the Democratic establishment didn't want heard. So for this to happen to an anti-establishment Presidential Candidate, led many to suspect foul play. A couple of people who attended the 2016 DNC Convention said it reminded them of the sound suppressors designed to silence Bernie supporters.
California Democratic Party Vice Chairman Daraka Larimore-Hall, who frequently provides the most honest speeches at the convention, told delegates to stop re-litigating 2016 and 2017. This appeared to be a request to get over the loss of 2016 and move on.
Over the weekend, Rusty Hicks was elected Chairman. He was strongly supported by party insiders and by labor leaders, who obtained a record number of proxies that were used to give Hicks the victory. The delegates were expecting a run-off but Hicks won outright with 57% of the vote.
Among those who were included on the list of newlyideceased supporters of the Democratic Party were Jeff Adachi (San Francisco Public Defender), Blaze Bonpane (founder and head of the Office of the Americas, see our article on his passing) and Stan Lee (creator of Marvel Comics).
While at the Convention, the Justice Gazette’s van was broken into and equipment was stolen. The most troubling part was loss of some of the discs containing the best of the photos and videos. The good news is that the Justice Gazette had some back-up cameras and video recorders and so everything wasn't lost.
On the video below of Tulsi's convention speech, note the apparent sound rigging at the back of the room where the press stands were located. At the front of the hall, her speech was as loud as any. At the back and sides, the volume was turned down. A group of people walked in and created a lot of background noise while she was speaking. There was some question as to whether they were delegates. The background noise and lower volume in the back only occurred during Tulsi's speech, making many believe this was intentional. In 2016, the microphones were turned way down on a candidate the Democratic establishment didn't want heard. So for this to happen to an anti-establishment Presidential Candidate, led many to suspect foul play. A couple of people who attended the 2016 DNC Convention said it reminded them of the sound suppressors designed to silence Bernie supporters.