TPP, A Done Deal if Hillary is Elected
TPP Provisions Include: Privatization of Water, GMO's in Food, Higher Prescription Prices and Prohibitions on Citizen Protests

"MARCH 14, 2016. In the March 15 primary, voters will have more to decide upon than which candidate would have the classiest dinners in the White House. Hillary Clinton has reportedly told insiders and lobbyists that the TPP (the Trans-Pacific Partnership) will be a done deal if she become President. Voters, who have seen her flip-flop should not be surprised. Even Truthout picked up on this in January when Tom Donahue, a top TPP lobbyist, assured Bloomberg TV viewers that, Hillary would support TPP as President. This has been confirmed by additional reports from people close to Hillary. Reportedly, Hillary's attitude is that, after spending so much time putting it together as Secretary of State, she is not going to let the TPP be blocked by a bunch of "whiners." There is a reason Hillary will not let the public know what she said to Wall Street during the Democratic primary season.
With Clinton supporting the TPP, let's look at what it entails from the details that have been leaked.
1) Food safety regulations would violate the agreement and countries and states could be sued over them. Grocers, states or countries testing, labeling or refusing to sell genetically modified foods can also be sued.
2) If water is privatized, the people have no right to un-privatize the water. Once a corporation gains control of the water rights, under the TPP, the people and the government are not allowed to take the rights back--even if the water become unsafe. The government is not even allowed to test the safety of the water. A Flint-type situation where children are poisoned would not allow for any changed from the private ownership of the water.
3) People protesting corporations can be sued or jailed.
4) Any country of state calling a moratorium on fracking can be sued.
5) Prescription drug prices and insurance rates can no longer be regulated.
6) Corporations can dictate what is said on the Internet and sites containing information that corporations oppose can be closed down or censored.
Looking at the leaked details, it is no wonder that Hillary Clinton and others want to keep the full details of the TPP secret.
Though Hillary at times appears to be flip-flopping on the TPP, she is reportedly not-flip-flopping when she tells corporate insiders she will push it through once elected. The TPP is and always been a very important part of her relationship with the corporations financing her. Below are a comparatively small number of Hillary Clinton's many documented public quotes making it clear how important her work in creating the TPP was to her and the extent to which it was the centerpiece of her Secretary of State experience. She also worked on and promoted other free trade agreements, pursuing free trade at every opportunity. The strength of her pride in her work in putting together and promoting the TPP, as shown in the following quotes, is consistent with later comments to corporate insiders that it will be a done deal once she is President.
With Clinton supporting the TPP, let's look at what it entails from the details that have been leaked.
1) Food safety regulations would violate the agreement and countries and states could be sued over them. Grocers, states or countries testing, labeling or refusing to sell genetically modified foods can also be sued.
2) If water is privatized, the people have no right to un-privatize the water. Once a corporation gains control of the water rights, under the TPP, the people and the government are not allowed to take the rights back--even if the water become unsafe. The government is not even allowed to test the safety of the water. A Flint-type situation where children are poisoned would not allow for any changed from the private ownership of the water.
3) People protesting corporations can be sued or jailed.
4) Any country of state calling a moratorium on fracking can be sued.
5) Prescription drug prices and insurance rates can no longer be regulated.
6) Corporations can dictate what is said on the Internet and sites containing information that corporations oppose can be closed down or censored.
Looking at the leaked details, it is no wonder that Hillary Clinton and others want to keep the full details of the TPP secret.
Though Hillary at times appears to be flip-flopping on the TPP, she is reportedly not-flip-flopping when she tells corporate insiders she will push it through once elected. The TPP is and always been a very important part of her relationship with the corporations financing her. Below are a comparatively small number of Hillary Clinton's many documented public quotes making it clear how important her work in creating the TPP was to her and the extent to which it was the centerpiece of her Secretary of State experience. She also worked on and promoted other free trade agreements, pursuing free trade at every opportunity. The strength of her pride in her work in putting together and promoting the TPP, as shown in the following quotes, is consistent with later comments to corporate insiders that it will be a done deal once she is President.
"We also discussed the Trans-Pacific Partnership and we shared perspectives on Japan's possible participation, because we think this holds out great economic opportunities to all participating nations." [1/18/2013\
"... I laid out America's expanding economic leadership in the region, from new trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership to stepped-up efforts on behalf of American businesses." [11/29/2012]
"...We are welcoming more of our neighbors, including Canada and Mexico, into the Trans-Pacific Partnership process. And we think it's imperative that we continue to build an economic relationship that covers the entire hemisphere for the future." [11/29/2012]
"Canada and Mexico have already joined the original TPP partners. We continue to consult with Japan. And we are offering to assist with capacity building, so that every country in ASEAN can eventually join. We welcome the interest of any nation willing to meet 21st century standards as embodied in the TPP, including China." [11/17/2102]
"This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements..." [11/15/2012]
...we need to keep upping our game both bilaterally and with partners across the region through agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP." [11/15/2012]
" Our growing trade across the region, including our work together to finalize the Trans-Pacific Partnership, binds our countries together, increases stability, and promotes security." [11/14/12]
"That means pushing governments to support high-standard trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, to drop harmful protectionist policies." [9/8/12]
"But remember, the Pacific runs from the Indian Ocean to the western shores of Latin America. We see this as one large area for our strategic focus. That's why we're working with APEC; that's why we're creating the Trans-Pacific Partnership." [4/12/2012]/10]
"We're excited about the innovative trade agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP. That would bring economies from across the Pacific, developed and developing alike, into a single trading community..." [11/18/2011]
"We are working to encourage trade through the Trans-Pacific Partnership and through APEC, whose leaders the President will be hosting this fall in Hawaii. Together, we are strengthening regional institutions like the East Asia Summit and ASEAN. And as Secretary Panetta will explain, our military relationship is deepening and becoming even more consequential." [9/15/2011]
"The Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is exploring ways to expand opportunity, is critical, and APEC and ASEAN are two other organizations where we work together." [5/11/2011]
"To continue this progress, we are both pressing ahead on something called the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It's an ambitious multilateral free trade agreement that would bring together many more nations of the Pacific Rim." [11/7/2010]
"We are very committed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership,.." [11/4/2010]

Hillary Clinton's free trade policies have devastated the economies of Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, Florida and other states, dramatically reducing the size of the middle class by sending jobs out of the country to places where child slave laborers earn a couple dollars a day if they are lucky. Her support for fracking has resulted in serious damage to the water supply. The TPP water privatization policies are expected to create Flints all over the country and the world. Clinton support for genetically modified foods has resulted in a significant increase in cancer in the United States, according to medical experts who have examined the impact of these foods on those eating them. Clinton's opposition to civil liberties, such as the right of protest, further criminalized through the TPP, was evidenced by her repeated votes for the PATRIOT Act and the Real ID Act. Her consistent support for the pharmaceutical industry and the insurance industry can be seen in her Congressional votes and in her opposition to single-payer health care. Her support for Wall Street Corporations over private individuals can be seen in the contrast between her support for the 2001 bankruptcy bill allowing the taking of homes for medical bills and credit card debts versus her support for the Wall Street bailouts. The TPP fall strongly in line with the positions that Clinton has advocated over the years and it is no surprise that she is telling TPP lobbyists and corporate insiders that it will be a done deal once she is in the White House.