Bernie Wins Big in Key Swing States,
Hillary Wins Goldwater States

March 1, 2016. Super Tuesday Elections. Bernie Sanders won big in the key swing states of Vermont, Oklahoma, Colorado and Minnesota, states needed for a Democratic victory in November. Hillary Clinton won the South, the Goldwater States. Massachusetts is close but there has been a call for the arrest and prosecution of Hillary and and her husband Bill for election crimes for closing down a polling place for two hours in the Boston area to promote Hillary's campaign and then stumping inside the polling place. New videos and still photos confirm the apparent serious violations of law. The campaign was supposed to cease their stumping 150 feet from the polling place and it was illegal to interfere with the voting activities taking place within the polling place. Both candidates will receive hundreds of delegates but Bernie's delegates come from states the Democrats need to win in November.

In 1964, Lyndon Baines Johnson lost the South in what was consider a landslide victory for LBJ over Hilary Clinton's mentor Barry Goldwater. Democrats typically lose the South, even when they win the general election. The Southern States typically go to the biggest white supremacist in the Presidential race. Following in Barry Goldwater's footsteps, Hillary Clinton has won the South. Her husband Bill was big on the Confederate flag and so Hillary is right at home. Among her victories was the state where her husband was governor: Arkansas. She has lost big in important swing states of Colorado, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Vermont, and New Hampshire, indicating that she will have a tough battle winning in a general election if nominated.
Though Massachusetts is still close, it appears to observers in that state that any possible success Hillary may eek out there would stem from her husband closing down a polling place in the Boston area and campaigning inside and around polling places. As indicated above, he was not allowed to campaign closer than 150 feet from the polling place or to interfere with the voting. A significant number of Democrats are calling for the arrest of both Hillary and Bill Clinton in connection with possible election crimes. Though the activities broke state laws, it is an election for a federal office placing U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch's position and reputation are on the line if she fails to pursue the issue. Loretta Lynch was one of those under consideration to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, but any such chance is likely to fail as Lynch is perceived as protecting Hillary Clinton from prosecution in connection with a number of possible crimes, including misappropriation of money intended for victims of Haiti's earthquake, possible violations of the Espionage Act of 1917 and various violations of federal election laws in various states.
Though Massachusetts is still close, it appears to observers in that state that any possible success Hillary may eek out there would stem from her husband closing down a polling place in the Boston area and campaigning inside and around polling places. As indicated above, he was not allowed to campaign closer than 150 feet from the polling place or to interfere with the voting. A significant number of Democrats are calling for the arrest of both Hillary and Bill Clinton in connection with possible election crimes. Though the activities broke state laws, it is an election for a federal office placing U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch's position and reputation are on the line if she fails to pursue the issue. Loretta Lynch was one of those under consideration to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, but any such chance is likely to fail as Lynch is perceived as protecting Hillary Clinton from prosecution in connection with a number of possible crimes, including misappropriation of money intended for victims of Haiti's earthquake, possible violations of the Espionage Act of 1917 and various violations of federal election laws in various states.

While Hillary has won much of Dixie as her mentor Barry Goldwater did, Bernie's strongest and biggest states are not expected to be up for voting until March 15th and later. In many of these Bernie is leading by wide margins, up to 30% or more. California, which does not have it's primary until June, has the most delegates. Bernie is also expected to do well in New York.
Though Goldwater did manage to win his party's nomination, he proved to be the most disastrous candidate the Republicans have had to this date. Many Democrats say Hillary Clinton's nomination would cost the Democrats both Houses of Congress in addition to the Presidency. The majority of Democrats seem willing to let their party lose the Presidential eleciton in November if that is what it takes to put the party in line with the 99%. Polls show that Sanders is the only candidate who could do well against all Republican candidates.
On February 29th, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the Vioe Chairman of the Democratic National Committee resigned her position and endorsed Bernie Sanders, saying:
Though Goldwater did manage to win his party's nomination, he proved to be the most disastrous candidate the Republicans have had to this date. Many Democrats say Hillary Clinton's nomination would cost the Democrats both Houses of Congress in addition to the Presidency. The majority of Democrats seem willing to let their party lose the Presidential eleciton in November if that is what it takes to put the party in line with the 99%. Polls show that Sanders is the only candidate who could do well against all Republican candidates.
On February 29th, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, the Vioe Chairman of the Democratic National Committee resigned her position and endorsed Bernie Sanders, saying:
"I think it's most important for us, as we look at our choices, as to who our next commander-in-chief will be, is to recognize the necessity to have a commander in chief who has foresight, who exercises good judgment."