Across America Anti-war Superstars Lead Anti-War Rallies (Videos)

1/4/19. Los Angeles, CA. While in San Francisco, Cindy Sheehan led a rally against the U.S. war with Iran and Iraq, Jimmy Dore was the popular hit of the anti-war rally in Los Angeles. Major rallies against U.S. intervention in Iraq and Iran took place nationwide in 70 U.S. cities. In Washington D.C., Jane Fonda, Max Blumenthal and Anya Pamparampill stood up against the U.S. war machine.

In Los Angeles, Jimmy pointed out that it was a bipartisan war and that it was the military industrial complex that should be impeached. Interestingly, only Tulsi Gabbard filed a censure motion that included Donald Trump’s war policies. Rather than objecting to war policies, the Democrats handed Trump $738 billion to conduct the kinds of pro-war actions he conducted last week.

Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic candidates have been pushing impeachment over Bidengate (Joe Biden’s corruption) and Trump’s alleged halt to foreign military support, which though not true, would be something which could actually be seen as an act of peace on Trump’s part. The result is that Trump’s approval rating skyrocketed following the bogus impeachment. Most at the rally agreed with Jimmy Dore, that the problem is war and it is bipartisan.

Also present at the rally and march were Jimmy’s wife Stefane Zamarano, Graham Elwood (The Political Vigilante), Fiorella Isabel and Craig Pasta Jardula (Convo Counch), Ron Placone, Taylor Hudak (Action4Assange), Mike Prysner and Abby Martin (Empire Files). Abby didn’t speak but excitedly took video of her Empire File’s co-host Michael.

It was learned from people with first-hand knowledge that, instead of being a murderer as Trump and the Establishment Democrats have claimed, General Qasem Soleimani was the “Captain America” of the Middle East, saving thousands, maybe millions, of lives (American lives, Iraqi lives, Iranian lives and Syrian lives) by defeating ISIS. Had it not been for Soleimani, ISIS would have marched straight to Teheran. Thoughout the Middle East, people are mourning just as Americans would if a real life U.S. Captain America were killed by a foreign power who has no right to assassinate Americans.
Black Lives Matter led a chant of “Black lives matter, Iraqi lives matter, Iranian lives matter,” during the opening rally at Pershing Square. The crowd shouted various anti-war chants throughout the opening and closing rallies and march.
Black Lives Matter led a chant of “Black lives matter, Iraqi lives matter, Iranian lives matter,” during the opening rally at Pershing Square. The crowd shouted various anti-war chants throughout the opening and closing rallies and march.

At its height, the Los Angeles crowd was estimated to be about a thousand. This was small compared to the 10,000 to 20,000 Los Angeles used to see at peace rallies prior to the election of Barack Obama. Activists groups failed to hold antiwar rallies during Obama’s Presidency out of deference to the Democrats. Oddly, it was a Democratic Senate that voted for the Iraqi War Powers Resolution and Obama who took America from two wars to seven. Jimmy Dore asked where were Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris and the phony Democrats who pretend to oppose Trump while giving him $738 billion for war?

Both Graham Elwood and Taylor Hudak wore Wikileaks T-shirts and spoke about the need to protect Julian Assange. All journalists could be next to meet Assange’s fate if they dare to report the truth. Hudak felt that Assange deserved the Nobel Peace Prize. However, that prize has gone to so many warmongers that many now call it the Nobel Genocide Prize. Their interview is below, along with a video of the march and a video of the speech given by Jimmy Dore at the Federal Building.
Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is the only candidate true to the U.S. Constitution and people in her support of Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech in calling for the dropping of all charges against Julian Assange, the freeing of Chelsea Manning and the pardoning of Edward Snowden. This is one area when Bernie sanders has failed to stand up for the Constitution so far.
Currently the only Presidential candidates who have issued statements in opposition to the assassination of Soleimani (as opposed to just insisting Congress should have participated in the assassination plot) are Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders. Tulsi is the ultimate anti-war candidate, demanding that troops be brought home and that the sanctions against Iran end.
Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is the only candidate true to the U.S. Constitution and people in her support of Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech in calling for the dropping of all charges against Julian Assange, the freeing of Chelsea Manning and the pardoning of Edward Snowden. This is one area when Bernie sanders has failed to stand up for the Constitution so far.
Currently the only Presidential candidates who have issued statements in opposition to the assassination of Soleimani (as opposed to just insisting Congress should have participated in the assassination plot) are Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders. Tulsi is the ultimate anti-war candidate, demanding that troops be brought home and that the sanctions against Iran end.