Democratic Party Elite Choose Tom Perez as DNC Chair in Apparent Sham Contest

February 25, 2016. Atlanta Georgia. Following a second round of non-anonymous paper balloting, Tom Perez was chosen Democratic National Committee Chairman by a vote of 235 for Perez to 200 for Keith Ellison. Donna Brazile, who had previously been outed for giving debate questions in advance to Hillary Clinton, introduced the winner. Tom Perez was also among those who apparently was part of the DNC's rigging of the nomination in favor of Hillary Clinton and against Bernie Sanders. This is according to 18 emails that were part of the DNC email collection that was leaked and released by Wikileaks. Wikileaks sent out a tweet reminding people of the 18 emails following the DNC chair vote.
But was the election on the up and up? Significantly less than 0.001% of Democrats were allowed to vote for the DNC Chairman. State Democratic Executive Board elite members pick the elite DNC members in non-anonymous balloting that is recorded. According to several people on the Executive Boards, the voting for the DNC is monitored and those who vote the wrong way are "punished," sometimes through loss of outside jobs or positions. The votes for the chairman were also non-anonymous and reportedly members voting "wrongly" were also expected to be subjected to "punishment," according to sources engaged in the voting.
One of the biggest tell tales of the forced vote was the fact that Sam Ronan, the one candidate who stood up for the values Bernie ran on in his campaign, didn't receive 1 vote. Put bluntly, his total was zero (0) votes. Though a solid Democrat, Ronan could not vote for himself as he was not part of the elite chosen by the elite.
Keith Ellison, who has a mixed record of voting for war and war funding was the pick of Bernie Sanders and considered the more progressive of the top two candidates while it was well known that Tom Perez had getting Hillary Clinton her nomination--in spite of the appearance of extensive vote rigging for Clinton in the primaries and the silencing of the Sanders delegates at the DNC Convention of 2016.
The apparent shame nature of the DNC Chairman election was exposed as Tom Perez and Keith Ellison acknowledged a plan that had been concocted in a prior meeting between the two. Perez, as pre-planned, nominated Keith Ellison to the position of DNC Deputy Chairman, seemingly to appease the Berniecrats. Progressives' memories, however, were not so short. Tulsi Gabbard had to resign her DNC Assistant Chairman position in order to support her conscience and back Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primaries. Progressives are calling Ellison's new position a meaningless bone thrown out to avoid rioting from the majority of Democrats who did not agree with the selection of Perez as Chairman. Online progressives have been reflecting on Ellison's new position with pictures of doggie bones and by mimicking the barking they expect him to do.
President Donald Trump called the DNC election rigged. From all appearances, that is an accurate assessment.
But was the election on the up and up? Significantly less than 0.001% of Democrats were allowed to vote for the DNC Chairman. State Democratic Executive Board elite members pick the elite DNC members in non-anonymous balloting that is recorded. According to several people on the Executive Boards, the voting for the DNC is monitored and those who vote the wrong way are "punished," sometimes through loss of outside jobs or positions. The votes for the chairman were also non-anonymous and reportedly members voting "wrongly" were also expected to be subjected to "punishment," according to sources engaged in the voting.
One of the biggest tell tales of the forced vote was the fact that Sam Ronan, the one candidate who stood up for the values Bernie ran on in his campaign, didn't receive 1 vote. Put bluntly, his total was zero (0) votes. Though a solid Democrat, Ronan could not vote for himself as he was not part of the elite chosen by the elite.
Keith Ellison, who has a mixed record of voting for war and war funding was the pick of Bernie Sanders and considered the more progressive of the top two candidates while it was well known that Tom Perez had getting Hillary Clinton her nomination--in spite of the appearance of extensive vote rigging for Clinton in the primaries and the silencing of the Sanders delegates at the DNC Convention of 2016.
The apparent shame nature of the DNC Chairman election was exposed as Tom Perez and Keith Ellison acknowledged a plan that had been concocted in a prior meeting between the two. Perez, as pre-planned, nominated Keith Ellison to the position of DNC Deputy Chairman, seemingly to appease the Berniecrats. Progressives' memories, however, were not so short. Tulsi Gabbard had to resign her DNC Assistant Chairman position in order to support her conscience and back Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primaries. Progressives are calling Ellison's new position a meaningless bone thrown out to avoid rioting from the majority of Democrats who did not agree with the selection of Perez as Chairman. Online progressives have been reflecting on Ellison's new position with pictures of doggie bones and by mimicking the barking they expect him to do.
President Donald Trump called the DNC election rigged. From all appearances, that is an accurate assessment.