Southern Californians Show their Support for Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard

Los Angeles County, California. August 6, 2019. Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard both thrilled crowds during visits to the Golden State between August 4th and 6th. Tulsi’s visit was a total surprise and something she had not planned. When she touched down in Venice for a quick meet and greet at a restaurant, a crowd mobbed her with love and enthusiasm. Thousands who didn’t find out about her surprise visit have were disappointed they didn’t get to see her and have asked her to return to the Golden State so they can see her. There can be no doubt when seeing excited the excited crowds at their events that Tulsi and Bernie are the candidates who have stolen the hearts of Americans, young and old.

Bernie’s Long Beach City College Rally was a big win for him. 5390 people and children showed up, cheering and chanting before, and while he spoke. The first introduction came from Carlos Marroquin, who founded the Bernie Brigade which took busloads of Bernicrats from Los Angeles to other states to canvas and otherwise assist Bernie in 2016. Carlos is perhaps the best known Berniecrat in Southern California. When it comes to Bernie, the best way to see his popularity is to watch the videos below that were recorded at the event by the Justice

The day before, Bernie did a Town Hall on Immigration in Vista. This was the event where he poured out his heart to people in need and listened to their tragic stories of being oppressed by a system that only works for the rich and powerful. After speeches from immigrant activists in the community, Bernie took questions on many economic and immigration issues. Watch him speak and respond to the heart-breaking issues discussed in the Justice Gazette video below.

Bernie also did a Town Hall on Housing. Unlike the other appearances, this was mostly a photo op for the mainstream media. The MSM focus did not go over well with the Indymedia, but the concerns were directed at his campaign and not at Bernie. There is an old saying that if you want to eat, don’t watch food being manufactured. The same goes for campaigns. Often, hired campaign personnel do not reflect the candidate who hired them. The only entirely grass roots campaigns are those of Tulsi Gabbard and Mike Gravel. Gravel is ending his campaign and endorsing Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders. Polls are continuing to be rigged in an establishment effort to displace Tulsi and Bernie. Most Americans no longer own land lines. Most screen their calls, making the average person outside the reach of the polls. Those who are polled are not representative of the majority of Americans---as was seen in the November 2016 election. The majority of Americans are hoping that Tulsi remains in the debates and that this is the team nominated for the general election in November 2020.