Bernie Sanders Wins Sixth Debate, Hillary's Racist Roots Show

February 11, 2016. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Polls again gave Bernie Sanders a strong (80% or more) win in the sixth debate.This was in spite of the fact that the debate was moderated by two visibly biased Hillary Clinton's elite supporters and of the fact that establishment Democrats were allowed to take up the majority of seats in the audience.
Bernie proved he was a master of foreign policy and continued his honest approach to informing the people.
Hillary took to misstating Bernie's record and his statements while showing almost Hitleresque feelings towards Latinos and other minorities.
Some of the lies Hillary was caught fabricating.
a) Bernie's economic plan. Among the lies Hillary was caught in was the cost-effectiveness of Bernie's economic, health care and education plans. She claimed that some unidentified economist said it wouldn't work but failed to come up with a name for that economist. Bernie's Plan has been vetted by over 200 top economists who say it will save $5 trillion, raise the median family income by $22,000 and save the average family $1200 annually. Among those top economists who say that Bernie's plan will work and will save the economy is Robert Reich, Bill Clinton's Secretary of Labor and a former FTC policy planning chairman. Reich was considered good enough of an economist for Bill Clinton to appoint. Despite having no verification of her claims and being called on their falsity, Clinton just kept repeating them as if her word was more important than facts.
b) Hillary falsely accused Bernie of voting for regime change in Libya. Obama went to war on Libya without a Congressional vote in support of war, causing Constitutional Democrats like Dennis Kucinich to question whether Obama had committed an impeachable offense. Basically, Clinton mischaracterized a different vote into being a non-existent vote to try to make it falsely appear that Bernie had voted for regime change in Libya.
c) Hillary out and out lied about things Bernie had never said about Obama. She interpreted fair criticisms about certain of his policies to claim that Bernie had called Obama a bunch of names, including weak and a disappointment. She blatantly lied when she said that, in the debate, Bernie Sanders had said Obama failed the leadership test. All anyone needs to do is to rewind the debate to see that Hillary's statements were false. As for the weak and disappointing part, Sanders has gone to a lot of effort to praise Obama. Occasionally, Sanders has disagreed with Obama's positions and has been honest about that. Sanders spoke for the right of a Senator to speak his conscience and go with his conscience rather than supporting policies the Senator doesn't agree with. The willingness of Hillary to lie when viewers need simply to rewind a recording means that she thinks that she does not believe voters care about honest and integrity.
Bernie proved he was a master of foreign policy and continued his honest approach to informing the people.
Hillary took to misstating Bernie's record and his statements while showing almost Hitleresque feelings towards Latinos and other minorities.
Some of the lies Hillary was caught fabricating.
a) Bernie's economic plan. Among the lies Hillary was caught in was the cost-effectiveness of Bernie's economic, health care and education plans. She claimed that some unidentified economist said it wouldn't work but failed to come up with a name for that economist. Bernie's Plan has been vetted by over 200 top economists who say it will save $5 trillion, raise the median family income by $22,000 and save the average family $1200 annually. Among those top economists who say that Bernie's plan will work and will save the economy is Robert Reich, Bill Clinton's Secretary of Labor and a former FTC policy planning chairman. Reich was considered good enough of an economist for Bill Clinton to appoint. Despite having no verification of her claims and being called on their falsity, Clinton just kept repeating them as if her word was more important than facts.
b) Hillary falsely accused Bernie of voting for regime change in Libya. Obama went to war on Libya without a Congressional vote in support of war, causing Constitutional Democrats like Dennis Kucinich to question whether Obama had committed an impeachable offense. Basically, Clinton mischaracterized a different vote into being a non-existent vote to try to make it falsely appear that Bernie had voted for regime change in Libya.
c) Hillary out and out lied about things Bernie had never said about Obama. She interpreted fair criticisms about certain of his policies to claim that Bernie had called Obama a bunch of names, including weak and a disappointment. She blatantly lied when she said that, in the debate, Bernie Sanders had said Obama failed the leadership test. All anyone needs to do is to rewind the debate to see that Hillary's statements were false. As for the weak and disappointing part, Sanders has gone to a lot of effort to praise Obama. Occasionally, Sanders has disagreed with Obama's positions and has been honest about that. Sanders spoke for the right of a Senator to speak his conscience and go with his conscience rather than supporting policies the Senator doesn't agree with. The willingness of Hillary to lie when viewers need simply to rewind a recording means that she thinks that she does not believe voters care about honest and integrity.

Hillary's Racist Roots:
a) It Is well known that Hilary Clinton was a Goldwater Girl who supported his position that the schools should be re-segregated under the claim that separate is equal and his attempt to stop the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Acts of 1965. Now she supports the continued incarceration of Black Americans. Though more whites are arrested for drugs, more Blacks are incarcerated. These Blacks never harmed anyone and Clinton wants to see them stay in prison. The number one offense for which incarceration takes place involves drug, victimless crimes. She continues to oppose the legalization of marijuana. Clinton's extensive donations from the prison industrial complex may explain her continued support for the mass incarceration of Blacks. Funding of free college would turn the situation and give African-American children a future and lessen the number winding up in prison. However, Hillary opposes giving free college to minorities groups and the poor.
b) Hillary attacked Bernie for his failure to support a comprehensive immigration policy that would have placed immigrants into slave-labor/concentration camps with no path to citizenship. Bernie had the support of millions of Latinos who marched in the streets and closed down freeways in opposition to this bill. He also had the support of many Latino organizations, including LULAC, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
c) Hillary spoke of how she worked to make an example of denying Honduran children asylum as a way to send a message to the children. Shocked, Bernie spoke in favor of treating the children fairly and not making an example of them.
d) Hillary's policies from her support of the death penalty that is used to disproportionately exterminate innocent Blacks to her opposition to releasing young African Americans who are in prison because of drug use, have shown more than a lack of compassion. They amount to a showing of a resentment of minorities. Bernie's policies in these areas are supportive of Blacks and seek to give them education rather than incarceration.
e) Hillary spoke in favor of insurance-care over moving towards not-for-profit health care. Blacks are the worst hit by the under-insurance. But Hillary has health care for life and showed no compassion for those who have to forgo that health are. Bernie is propelled by compassion for those less fortunate than he is. This is why he supports a move into single-payer, not for profit health care and ridding the country of rich insurance profits at the expense of those in need of medical care.
f) Hillary Clinton's presented her hero and foreign policy mentor as Henry Kissinger, the man considered responsible for the deaths of more than a million Cambodians and thousands of Chileans. With the exception of the American Reporters, those slaughtered because of the actions of Hillary's hero were Asian and Hispanic. Bernie said Kissinger was no friend of his.
All the post-debate polls showed that the public was with Sanders and believed he won the debate. A debate hall packed with insider establishment people could not stop his candidacy. Neither could unfair remarks from Judy Woodruff and Gwen Ifil, two people earning well over $250,000 per year, two people unwilling to see the benefits of an economic plan that does not cater to the rich.
a) It Is well known that Hilary Clinton was a Goldwater Girl who supported his position that the schools should be re-segregated under the claim that separate is equal and his attempt to stop the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Acts of 1965. Now she supports the continued incarceration of Black Americans. Though more whites are arrested for drugs, more Blacks are incarcerated. These Blacks never harmed anyone and Clinton wants to see them stay in prison. The number one offense for which incarceration takes place involves drug, victimless crimes. She continues to oppose the legalization of marijuana. Clinton's extensive donations from the prison industrial complex may explain her continued support for the mass incarceration of Blacks. Funding of free college would turn the situation and give African-American children a future and lessen the number winding up in prison. However, Hillary opposes giving free college to minorities groups and the poor.
b) Hillary attacked Bernie for his failure to support a comprehensive immigration policy that would have placed immigrants into slave-labor/concentration camps with no path to citizenship. Bernie had the support of millions of Latinos who marched in the streets and closed down freeways in opposition to this bill. He also had the support of many Latino organizations, including LULAC, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
c) Hillary spoke of how she worked to make an example of denying Honduran children asylum as a way to send a message to the children. Shocked, Bernie spoke in favor of treating the children fairly and not making an example of them.
d) Hillary's policies from her support of the death penalty that is used to disproportionately exterminate innocent Blacks to her opposition to releasing young African Americans who are in prison because of drug use, have shown more than a lack of compassion. They amount to a showing of a resentment of minorities. Bernie's policies in these areas are supportive of Blacks and seek to give them education rather than incarceration.
e) Hillary spoke in favor of insurance-care over moving towards not-for-profit health care. Blacks are the worst hit by the under-insurance. But Hillary has health care for life and showed no compassion for those who have to forgo that health are. Bernie is propelled by compassion for those less fortunate than he is. This is why he supports a move into single-payer, not for profit health care and ridding the country of rich insurance profits at the expense of those in need of medical care.
f) Hillary Clinton's presented her hero and foreign policy mentor as Henry Kissinger, the man considered responsible for the deaths of more than a million Cambodians and thousands of Chileans. With the exception of the American Reporters, those slaughtered because of the actions of Hillary's hero were Asian and Hispanic. Bernie said Kissinger was no friend of his.
All the post-debate polls showed that the public was with Sanders and believed he won the debate. A debate hall packed with insider establishment people could not stop his candidacy. Neither could unfair remarks from Judy Woodruff and Gwen Ifil, two people earning well over $250,000 per year, two people unwilling to see the benefits of an economic plan that does not cater to the rich.