Bernie Sanders Trounces Billionaire-Funded Candidates
Buttigieg and Klobuchar
in New Hampshire

February 11, 2020. New Hampshire. Bernie Sanders soundly defeated Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar in New Hampshire. Historically, no candidate has won the popular vote in both the Iowa and New Hampshire Democratic Primaries and failed to win the Democratic nomination. Buttigieg's campaign is largely funded by billionaires, Amy Klobuchar's campaign has been funded by 21 billionaires so far. Left in the dust were the campaigns of Elizabeth Warren, who has also received a billionaire donation and Joe Biden, another recipient of big money donors. A great many observers have been angered by Warren's false claims that she and Klobuchar are not funded by billionaires as there is documentation showing they have received billionaire donations. Biden's and Warren's big money backers and Pete Buttigieg's CIA and Blackwater-style backers could not buy them New Hampshire.
Andrew Yang, who finished below anti-war populist Tulsi Gabbard, dropped out of the race. Most Berniecrats believe that Tulsi Gabbard would be Bernie's best pick for Vice President as her presence on the ticket will guarantee that swing voters and independents will defeat Donald Trump in 2020. Polls show that independents and Trump voters are most likely to support Tulsi Gabbard, seconded by Bernie Sanders, if they switch during the 2020 election.
Obvious election-rigging by the Democratic National Committee and inaccurate and misleading election coverage by the mainstream media is being used to make history by overturning the will of the people and by, for the first time, making the unified popular vote of Iowa and New Hampshire irrelevant. An app Buttigieg funded with over $42,000 of Buttigieg's money and the DNC's refusal to count all Iowa votes equally has resulted in Buttigieg overall getting more delegates than Bernie, who won both contests. DNC officials have stated that they would be OK with a second term for Donald Trump. Their biggest fear is a Bernie or Tulsi Presidency.
The Democratic voters are talking revolution against the DNC if the DNC overturns their will and fails to nominate the popular vote winner in the Presidential race. This could result in not only the DNC's loss of the Presidency to Donald Trump but also its loss of both Houses of Congress in November.
Andrew Yang, who finished below anti-war populist Tulsi Gabbard, dropped out of the race. Most Berniecrats believe that Tulsi Gabbard would be Bernie's best pick for Vice President as her presence on the ticket will guarantee that swing voters and independents will defeat Donald Trump in 2020. Polls show that independents and Trump voters are most likely to support Tulsi Gabbard, seconded by Bernie Sanders, if they switch during the 2020 election.
Obvious election-rigging by the Democratic National Committee and inaccurate and misleading election coverage by the mainstream media is being used to make history by overturning the will of the people and by, for the first time, making the unified popular vote of Iowa and New Hampshire irrelevant. An app Buttigieg funded with over $42,000 of Buttigieg's money and the DNC's refusal to count all Iowa votes equally has resulted in Buttigieg overall getting more delegates than Bernie, who won both contests. DNC officials have stated that they would be OK with a second term for Donald Trump. Their biggest fear is a Bernie or Tulsi Presidency.
The Democratic voters are talking revolution against the DNC if the DNC overturns their will and fails to nominate the popular vote winner in the Presidential race. This could result in not only the DNC's loss of the Presidency to Donald Trump but also its loss of both Houses of Congress in November.