Why are Dick Cheney, the Kochs and the Bush's so enamored with Hillary Clinton?

April 24, 2016. Many were surprised with Laura and George Bush, Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger and Charles Koch began praising Hillary Clinton and expressing support for a Clinton Presidency. Sanders supporters who had examined the records of the George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were not surprised at all. The Kochs, the Buses, the Cheneys and the Kissengers have always considered themselves American aristocrisy but they are alike in more ways than that.
Kissinger, Bush, Cheney and Clinton all share a mutual love of conquest and a seeming lust for blood. They have all been instrumental in wars for profit that have killed hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions. Through their efforts Democratically elected Presidents were ousted and violent dictators were installed. They don't just kill together. They hang out together. Some were surprised by a picture of Hillary Clinton warmly embracing George W. Bush. Some were surprised to learn that Hillary and Bill Clinton regularly vacationed with the Kissingers. But serious researchers were not.
In addition to their support for bloodbaths, Clinton, like Dubya and Dick Cheney, has spoken of cutting Social Security and of protecting the rights of the banks and super rich. This is something that will greatly benefit the Koch Brothers. Clinton is largely financed by the military industrial and prison complex and like Bush and Cheney has made money off of wars and suffering. While Cheney shot his attorney in the face, Hillary provided funding for the assault weapons reportedly used at Sandyhook and in other mass shootings.
Like Dubya, Clinton doesn't believe that the voters have the right to elect a President. While she has lost 8 of the last 10 contests, the two she won are under investigation and the evidence appears to link delegates and financing from her campaign to election fraud that disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of registered Democrats. Dubya similarly lost Florida but claimed it and the general eleciotn anyway. Clinton voted for Dubya's electors in the Senate, though he lost Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004, according to full vote counts.
In the upcoming contests, there is already massive evidence of seemingly planned voer fraud. 2/3 of the polling places are being closed in Rhode Island, where Clinton's opponent Bernie Sanders is expected to win. In one Pennsylvania County which does not have 300,000 voters, 300,000 absentee ballots were ordered. In Arizona, where the election was called based on absentee ballots, it was the Clinton campaign that returned the winning ballots, supposedly on behalf of voters who voted them. But who really voted those absentee ballots?
while there have been calls for the International Criminal Court to prosecute Bush and Cheney for war crimes, Clinton has also been accused of equally serious war crimes, particularly with respect to Libya.
Clinton's support for Wall Street over Main Street is something that resonates with the Koch Brothers. After receiving massive donations from Wall Street, she voted for a bankruptcy bill that would allow banks to take away homes for credit card debt and medical bills. After receiving more donations from Wall Street, she voted to bail out Wall Street, repaying them for the investment. Her State Department always put Wall Street's interests before Main Street for which she was well paid in speaking fees. Among other things, she advocated the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnershp) 48 to 50 documented times, an agreement that subjugates governments to corporate rule.
So it is no surprise that the Bushes, the Cheneys, the Kochs and the Kissingers love Clinton. She is expected to continue and expand on the Bush-Cheney agenda and bring the people to heel.
Kissinger, Bush, Cheney and Clinton all share a mutual love of conquest and a seeming lust for blood. They have all been instrumental in wars for profit that have killed hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions. Through their efforts Democratically elected Presidents were ousted and violent dictators were installed. They don't just kill together. They hang out together. Some were surprised by a picture of Hillary Clinton warmly embracing George W. Bush. Some were surprised to learn that Hillary and Bill Clinton regularly vacationed with the Kissingers. But serious researchers were not.
In addition to their support for bloodbaths, Clinton, like Dubya and Dick Cheney, has spoken of cutting Social Security and of protecting the rights of the banks and super rich. This is something that will greatly benefit the Koch Brothers. Clinton is largely financed by the military industrial and prison complex and like Bush and Cheney has made money off of wars and suffering. While Cheney shot his attorney in the face, Hillary provided funding for the assault weapons reportedly used at Sandyhook and in other mass shootings.
Like Dubya, Clinton doesn't believe that the voters have the right to elect a President. While she has lost 8 of the last 10 contests, the two she won are under investigation and the evidence appears to link delegates and financing from her campaign to election fraud that disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of registered Democrats. Dubya similarly lost Florida but claimed it and the general eleciotn anyway. Clinton voted for Dubya's electors in the Senate, though he lost Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004, according to full vote counts.
In the upcoming contests, there is already massive evidence of seemingly planned voer fraud. 2/3 of the polling places are being closed in Rhode Island, where Clinton's opponent Bernie Sanders is expected to win. In one Pennsylvania County which does not have 300,000 voters, 300,000 absentee ballots were ordered. In Arizona, where the election was called based on absentee ballots, it was the Clinton campaign that returned the winning ballots, supposedly on behalf of voters who voted them. But who really voted those absentee ballots?
while there have been calls for the International Criminal Court to prosecute Bush and Cheney for war crimes, Clinton has also been accused of equally serious war crimes, particularly with respect to Libya.
Clinton's support for Wall Street over Main Street is something that resonates with the Koch Brothers. After receiving massive donations from Wall Street, she voted for a bankruptcy bill that would allow banks to take away homes for credit card debt and medical bills. After receiving more donations from Wall Street, she voted to bail out Wall Street, repaying them for the investment. Her State Department always put Wall Street's interests before Main Street for which she was well paid in speaking fees. Among other things, she advocated the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnershp) 48 to 50 documented times, an agreement that subjugates governments to corporate rule.
So it is no surprise that the Bushes, the Cheneys, the Kochs and the Kissingers love Clinton. She is expected to continue and expand on the Bush-Cheney agenda and bring the people to heel.