Tulsi and Bernie Proven Most Popular in Spite of Sham Polls, Debate Rigging and Likely Nomination Theft

August 25, 2019. Bay Area, CA. The Democratic National Committee and California Democratic Party held simultaneous events approximately 46 miles apart. While the California Democratic Executive Board meeting was filled with hundreds of people, the Democratic National Convention was often seen as a ghost town, except for when Bernie Sanders appeared on the stage. Tulsi Gabbard could not be there as she was deployed overseas to serve her country at this critical time in her campaign and could only appear by video. The appearance and disappearance of the bulk of the crowd with Bernie's speech at the DNC Convention was demonstrative than all the polls. The support for Tulsi was readily visible at the California Democratic event where her campaign flyers were eagerly grabbed up by participants, along with leis. Tulsi’s was the most visited table at the CDP event, showing which candidate the people want to see more of.

So what about the polls? You only have to visit a Bernie or Tulsi event to see that of these can overfill a venue without crowds unable to get in the door and then visit a mostly empty Warren or Biden event to know who is unpopular. Tulsi has received contributions from significantly more donors than a number of other candidates who will be allowed on the third debate stage. Tulsi Gabbard has more than made above the required percentage in 26 major polls, including polls in early primary states. However, the DNC will only accept polls containing smaller unrepresentative samples with mostly older white men being polled. Tulsi is 38 and a woman of color. Get the picture? Supporters of those allowed on thethird debate stage are touting a recent Monmouth poll that only accepted responses from 298 of 800 sampled and there was a 5.7 margin of error. Were the other 602 discounted because they were Tulsi supporters? Was that why they were cut? 5.7% is well over the 2% required to be on the debate stage. With polls containing that kind of error margin, even a few dogs and cats could make the cut. But legitimate candidates like Tulsi, who has well over the 130,000 unique donors required might not be allowed on the debate stage.
In July, Mike Gravel, who met all requirements, was not allowed on the debate stage. Why didn't this send a chill down the spines of all Democrats? The DNC did not explain, just like it has not explained why it is using less respected and smaller polls with less representative samples than those which show Gabbard easily making the debate percentage?
In July, Mike Gravel, who met all requirements, was not allowed on the debate stage. Why didn't this send a chill down the spines of all Democrats? The DNC did not explain, just like it has not explained why it is using less respected and smaller polls with less representative samples than those which show Gabbard easily making the debate percentage?

At the DNC meeting, Tom Perez tried to claim that all of the candidates were the same. An example from his list involved Perez’s inaccurate statement that all the candidates supported Medicare for All. This was in spite of most Democratic candidates coming forth and saying they do not support Medicare for All. Additional inaccuracies involved Perez's insistence that all the candidates supported peace while several openly support war against North Korea, Russia and Iran. Elizabeth Warren and Tim Ryan continue to vote for over-sized military budgets at the expense of social programs. However, Bernie Sanders and especially Tulsi Gabbard do in fact support peace and Medicare for All.

The most active campaign at the California Democratic Party meeting was that of Tulsi Gabbard, whose message of putting the people first and "service before self" echoed throughout the caucuses and events. Everyone who attended any part of the weekend received a copy of Mike Gravel’s official letter endorsing Tulsi Gabbard. Mike Gravel was the Alaskan Senator who read the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional record. He and Tulsi are the only two candidates who have shown support for Freedom of Speech and of the Press (First Amendment) and for Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden. Gravel was a major part of a weekly broadcast called Unity4J and Tulsi has called for the dropping of all charges against Julian Assange, freeing Chelsea Manning and pardoning Edward Snowden. In contrast, candidates like Elizabeth Warren have defamed Assange, calling him a “bad actor."

At the DNC, the most effective campaign was that of Kamala Harris. Despite being offensively disruptive, they were the loudest and most visible of the campaigns, walking out when Bernie came to the podium and disrupting his speech from outside the room. DNC leaders actually supported the actions of Kamala's campaign that offended most others present. Results matter more than cowering in politics. At the DNC meeting, Gabbard’s supporters mostly seemed more concerned about not upsetting the Democratic leaders than about promoting their own candidate. This attitude did not earn them any Brownie points with the leadership. Refusing to remain invisible, one Tulsi supporter did hand out Gravel’s letter inside the hall. Attendees started reaching for the letter and asked for extra copies.
2016 Berniecrats consider Tulsi the last defense against a repeat of the theft of the nomination from Bernie. Over the weekend, DNC leaders privately acknowledged a preference for a Trump victory to a Sanders or Gabbard victory. Activists were told the DNC expected to get more contributions under a Trump Presidency than under a more progressive presidency. The DNC favored candidates are Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. This may explain the game plan that has led to obvious rigging of the debates against Tulsi and Bernie, the winners of the first two debates.
2016 Berniecrats consider Tulsi the last defense against a repeat of the theft of the nomination from Bernie. Over the weekend, DNC leaders privately acknowledged a preference for a Trump victory to a Sanders or Gabbard victory. Activists were told the DNC expected to get more contributions under a Trump Presidency than under a more progressive presidency. The DNC favored candidates are Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. This may explain the game plan that has led to obvious rigging of the debates against Tulsi and Bernie, the winners of the first two debates.

Californians are still waiting for a million and a half ballots to be counted from the 2016 primary and are not about to put up with more rigging. Boycotts of the third debate are being extensively discussed by election integrity activists because the DNC is refusing to allow more legitimate polls to be included. Some are calling for a forum of excluded candidates to take place during the third debate, Tulsi gave up her DNC career and the probability she would be the chosen candidate for 2020 in order to stand with Bernie in 2016 and Bernie is expected to stand with her against election fraud in the 2020 election cycle. There is also a discussion among supporters petitioning asking Trump to debate Tulsi or Bernie prior to the nomination and then announcing that he will not debate inferior candidates if someone else is nominated.
Oddly, with election oddities being epidemic in California , the Voter Services Committee of the California Democratic Party cut voting integrity and diversity out of their plan of action for 2020.
Oddly, with election oddities being epidemic in California , the Voter Services Committee of the California Democratic Party cut voting integrity and diversity out of their plan of action for 2020.

Gabbard and Sanders supporters are mostly "Tulsi, Bernie or Bust" or "Bernie, Tulsi or Bust." In other words, if Tulsi is kept off the debate stage and/or the nomination is stolen from Bernie and Tulsi, the DNC can expect millions of Democratic-leaning voters to go independent or not vote. So if a Trump Presidency is what the DNC leaders want, their primary election games may get them that result.