The World Says an Emphatic “No More, No Way”

Huntington Beach, CA. On 3/20/2021, the world came together in massive marches and protests totaling millions to demand back human rights and freedom.
Pictures of the signs will say more about the protest in Huntington Beach, CA, than any article could. If you attended the full event, you observed that thousands of people dropped by throughout the day to join in the NO MORE, NO WAY event. Huntington Beach is in sunny Southern California. It is a Democratic County, according to political registration. If this is the way Democrats feel, a certain governor could be in trouble with the voters later this year. There were quite a number of registered Democrats in attendance. Gavin has recently appointed an SOS he believes will handle any wrong-voting matters. So maybe he won’t be in trouble. BTW, the worldwide events for freedom were the largest protests that took place in the USA on March 20, 2021, and they were also completely uncovered by the “Mainstream Media.” That is why we bring you the real news, not the made up news. You’ll have to go to MSNBC or CNN or another fictional news station for lies and propaganda.
Joseph Stalin: “It’s not the people who vote who count; it’s the people who count the votes.”
On to the pictures of the event in Democratic registered Orange County, CA. Also below, find links to a couple of videos of San Jacinto City Councilman Pastor Brian Hawkins and YouTube phenomenon AnOmaly,who were among the celebrities who attended that day.
A week before on March 13, the first anniversary of the California shutdown, Peggy Hall spoke to a large crowd gathered at Wardlow Park in Long Beach, CA. Below is her video.